How Tall Is Pikes Peak? - A-Z Animals

Pikes Peak is a National Historic Landmark that was carved by glaciers and provided a home for many indigenous groups. Today, the beautiful scenery from the t...
November 12, 2023
How Tall Is Pikes Peak? - A-Z Animals

How Tall Is Tennessee's Mount LeConte? - A-Z Animals

Mount LeConte is one of the most popular hiking destinations in the Smoky Mountains. The hiking trails to the top are strenuous. However, they’re worth the c...
November 12, 2023
How Tall Is Tennessee's Mount LeConte? - A-Z Animals

The Largest City in Alberta Now And in 2050 - A-Z Animals

Alberta is a province in western Canada. The 2021 Census found that this part of the country was home to 4,262,635 people. Although the province does not have...
November 12, 2023
The Largest City in Alberta Now And in 2050 - A-Z Animals

Watch These Cunning Wild Dogs Outsmart a Hungry Lioness - A-Z Animals

Continue reading for our analysis... © Thomas Retterath/Shutterstock.comKey Points:African wild dogs are ruthless pack hunters with an 80% success rate.Lions...
November 12, 2023
Watch These Cunning Wild Dogs Outsmart a Hungry Lioness - A-Z Animals

Do Houseplants Really Clean the Air? Fact or Fiction? - A-Z Animals

You may have heard that growing plants inside your home improves air quality. Is this just a myth? Unfortunately, yes. While houseplants can help a small amou...
November 12, 2023
Do Houseplants Really Clean the Air? Fact or Fiction? - A-Z Animals

Flowers Are Blooming in Antarctica: Is This Good or Bad? - A-Z Animals

Antarctica is inhospitable and freezing cold, and the presence of ice on most of the continent leaves less than 1 percent of the continent open to plant growt...
November 12, 2023
Flowers Are Blooming in Antarctica: Is This Good or Bad? - A-Z Animals

Mother Grizzly Bear Goes Full Sprint After a Coyote Spooked Her Cub - A-Z Animals

Maternal instinct is a powerful force of nature, and grizzly bears have one of the strongest in the animal kingdom! The short clip below features a mama bear...
November 12, 2023
Mother Grizzly Bear Goes Full Sprint After a Coyote Spooked Her Cub - A-Z Animals

Discover 8 Animals that Represent and Are Associated With the Sun - A-Z Animals

Most cultures have a way of explaining the existence of the Sun. In some cultures, this understanding is achieved through anthropomorphic representation and a...
November 12, 2023
Discover 8 Animals that Represent and Are Associated With the Sun - A-Z Animals

5 Effective Methods for Pet-Safe Roach Control in Your House - A-Z Animals

Cockroaches (roaches, for short) are gross bugs that no one wants in their home! The rate at which these insects reproduce is insane, too. One female German c...
November 12, 2023
5 Effective Methods for Pet-Safe Roach Control in Your House - A-Z Animals

Explore the Top 18 Most Invasive Plants in Hawaii - A-Z Animals

Hawaii is a lush tropical environment.©Vacclav/iStock via Getty ImagesInvasive plants in Hawaii are the leading cause of 18% of native plants becoming endang...
November 12, 2023
Explore the Top 18 Most Invasive Plants in Hawaii - A-Z Animals

The 16 Best Botanical Gardens That Are "Must Visits" in California - A-Z Animals

Did you know that California has well over thirty botanical gardens and arboretums? This can make it challenging to choose just a few to explore. Still, altho...
November 12, 2023
The 16 Best Botanical Gardens That Are "Must Visits" in California - A-Z Animals

The 18 Most Common Parrots Found in Australia: ID Guide and Where to Spot Them - A-Z Animals

Parrots are part of the order Psittaciformes, which includes over 350 bird species, including parakeets, macaws, cockatiels, and cockatoos. Because of the man...
November 12, 2023
The 18 Most Common Parrots Found in Australia: ID Guide and Where to Spot Them - A-Z Animals

The 8 Best and Most Effective Ways to Winterize Your Windows - A-Z Animals

When the temperatures get cold during fall and winter, you’ll want to keep your home as warm as possible. Finding the best and most effective ways to winteri...
November 12, 2023
The 8 Best and Most Effective Ways to Winterize Your Windows - A-Z Animals

The Biggest Snowstorm to Ever Dump on Minnesota in the Month of November - A-Z Animals

While Minnesota is no stranger to snow, some of the record-breaking snowfall Minnesotans have seen will shut down a town. The 1991 Halloween Blizzard, which d...
November 12, 2023
The Biggest Snowstorm to Ever Dump on Minnesota in the Month of November - A-Z Animals

Viral Video Captures Heavy Rain in Missouri Flooding an Empty Day Care - A-Z Animals

Continue reading for our analysis... © Zhukovskaya Olga/ In this frightening clip, we see a sensory room in a children’s daycare facility be...
November 12, 2023
Viral Video Captures Heavy Rain in Missouri Flooding an Empty Day Care - A-Z Animals

25 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know About Spain - A-Z Animals

Few countries have the name recognition of Spain. It’s a powerhouse on the continent of Europe and in the European Union. Spain sits on the Iberian peninsula...
November 12, 2023
25 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know About Spain - A-Z Animals

Discover the 10 Countries That Grow the Most Tobacco - A-Z Animals

Tobacco is a plant whose leaves are generally cured for people to smoke. Tobacco contains a stimulant that is highly addictive called nicotine, as well as har...
November 12, 2023
Discover the 10 Countries That Grow the Most Tobacco - A-Z Animals

Discover the Oldest Cities in Africa - A-Z Animals

Remember the movie starring Brendan Fraser titled The Mummy? Some of the things said in the film are actually real, and some of the events may have very well...
November 12, 2023
Discover the Oldest Cities in Africa - A-Z Animals

Yes, Lions Can Swim! 4 Facts About These Reluctant Swimmers - A-Z Animals

Yes, lions can swim, despite our automatic mental association with lions in the fringes of the Sahara, out on the plains of Africa, and even the Indian lions...
November 12, 2023
Yes, Lions Can Swim! 4 Facts About These Reluctant Swimmers - A-Z Animals

Massive Moose Mother Interrupts Fishermen as It Emerges From a River With Her Tiny Calf - A-Z Animals

When you go fishing in Kenai, Alaska, you may catch more than you bargained for! This spectacular footage shows a mother moose and a calf interrupting a fishi...
November 12, 2023
Massive Moose Mother Interrupts Fishermen as It Emerges From a River With Her Tiny Calf - A-Z Animals

Greedy Giraffe Cranes Its Long Neck Into a Car Window to Steal a Bag of Peanuts - A-Z Animals

Why do giraffes have long necks? To make snack time easier, of course! In the below clip, a safari-going family decides to offer a wayward giraffe some peanut...
November 12, 2023
Greedy Giraffe Cranes Its Long Neck Into a Car Window to Steal a Bag of Peanuts - A-Z Animals

Man Grabs King Cobra Big Enough to Take Down an Elephant - A-Z Animals

This is not something that you should try yourself. This startling clip shows a man in the jungles of Borneo handling a giant cobra. This is a truly magnifice...
November 12, 2023
Man Grabs King Cobra Big Enough to Take Down an Elephant - A-Z Animals

See the Massive 15-Foot Snake a North Carolina Man Found in His Backyard - A-Z Animals

Continue reading for our analysis... © samray/ This North Carolina resident found something he wasn’t expecting in his backyard! As a relati...
November 12, 2023
See the Massive 15-Foot Snake a North Carolina Man Found in His Backyard - A-Z Animals

Watch a Man Fearlessly Expel a Snake that Invaded a Family's Dishwasher - A-Z Animals

Loading the dishwasher is rarely a popular chore but this has got to be the best excuse ever not to do it. The Australian family featured in this clip has fou...
November 12, 2023
Watch a Man Fearlessly Expel a Snake that Invaded a Family's Dishwasher - A-Z Animals

Discover Why Hummingbirds Love the Color Red So Much - A-Z Animals

The flutter of their wings catches your attention when they pass you by but their elongated bills, small size, and ability to fly in all directions keep you m...
November 12, 2023
Discover Why Hummingbirds Love the Color Red So Much - A-Z Animals