What is a drip irrigation system?
Published By:anonymous Posted On:27/09/2023

Drip irrigation is a very efficient method to apply water as well as nutrients to cultivated land.
1 . Drip irrigation
Drip irrigation is a type of localized irrigation that works by applying water that drips slowly to the roots of plants.
2 . Elements of a drip irrigation system
A drip irrigation systems involves six main elements:
Water delivery or distribution system: it contains the main line going into the field, pipelines, drip lines, and couplings that connect the drip lines to the pipelines. Filters: they prevent debris from entering the system so that the drip system delivers clean water. Sand separators, screen filters, and disk filters are used. Pressure regulators: they reduce the pressure in the main line to the pressure of the drip lines. Valves and gauges: they control the flow of water to the different crop areas. Water meter gauges measure the amount of water used and the flow of water in the irrigation system. Chemical injectors: they allow chemigation or delivery of fertilizers and pesticides to the plants, as well as anti-clogging agents. System controllers.3 . Characteristics of drip irrigation
Drip irrigation systems have the following characteristics:
Lower volume of water used in comparison with sprinkler irrigation. Lower energy costs of pumping. High levels of water use efficiency. Lower manpower and operation costs and extensive automation. Better weed control. Efficient fertilizer application through the drip system. Water filtration is sometimes necessary to prevent clogging the small holes of drip nozzles.