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What is the second longest river in the world?

Published By:anonymous Posted On:27/09/2023
What is the second longest river in the world?

The second longest river in the world is also the longest river in Africa and flows through ten countries.

1 . The River Nile

The Nile River is the second longest river in the world at approximately 6,695 kilometres long and was historically thought to be the longest river in the world. However, there is much debate surrounding this, as the Amazon River in South America is now considered to be longer, at 6,800 kilometres.

2 . Course of the Nile River

The Nile flows in a northerly direction through ten countries, which are: Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Sudan, Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia.

It flows into the Mediterranean Sea, where it forms the great Nile Delta, on which the cities of Cairo and Alexandria are situated.

3 . The Nile River Basin

The Nile River basin covers 3.254.555 square kilometres, which is approximately 10% of Africa's land area.

The Nile is composed of two tributaries: the White Nile and the Blue Nile.

White Nile: is the longer of the two. It begins at Lake Victoria in Tanzania and flows north to Khartoum, Sudan, where it converges with the Blue Nile. Blue Nile: begins near Lake Tana in Ethiopia. The Nile River flows into the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt.

Nile River Basin

Source: Wikipedia/CC:


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