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What is the longest river in Spain?

Published By:anonymous Posted On:27/09/2023
What is the longest river in Spain?

Spain's longest river is also the largest in the Iberian Peninsula thanks to the contribution of its tributaries.

1 . The river Ebro

The longest river in Spain, i.e. the one that runs entirely through the country, is the river Ebro, with a length of 970 km.

Traditionally, its source is at Fontibre, in the province of Cantabria, and it flows into an extensive delta at Deltebre, in the province of Tarragona.

2 . Tributaries of the river Ebro on the left bank

In general, the tributaries coming from the left bank of the Pyrenees are the longest and the ones with the greatest flow to the Ebro.

In the stretch up to its arrival at the Aragonese border, it receives the following tributaries on its left bank: Híjar, Nela, Jerea, Omecillo, Bayas, Zadorra, Ega and Aragón-Arga. Once in Aragon, it receives the Arba de Luesia and Gállego and the Segre-Cinca complex with its important tributaries.

3 . Tributaries of the River Ebro on the right bank

In the stretch up to its arrival at the Aragonese border it receives the following tributaries on its right bank: Oca, Tirón, Najerilla, Iregua, Leza, Cidacos, Alhama and Queiles. Once in Aragon, it receives the rivers Huecha, Jalón (with a large complex of tributaries), Huerva, Aguas Vivas, Martín, Guadalope and Matarraña on its right bank.

4 . Main rivers and reservoirs of the Ebro basin

The territory of the Ebro river basin is distributed in nine autonomous communities, eighteen provinces and about one thousand seven hundred municipalities, flowing into the Mediterranean Sea. It also includes Andorra and the French Cerdanya or Haute Cerdagne.

Source: Wikipedia/CC.


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