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What is the longest river in Mexico?

Published By:anonymous Posted On:27/09/2023
What is the longest river in Mexico?

The longest river in Mexico is very important for the economy of the state of Chihuahua, as well as internationally, since it is part of the 1944 Water Treaty between Mexico and the United States.

1 . How long is the Conchos river, and where does it flow through?

The Conchos is the longest river in Mexico, with a total length of about 900 kilometres, and a basin surface area of 74,371.79 km2.

The Conchos river basin is in south-eastern Chihuahua and comprises 41 of its 67 municipalities, as well as another two municipalities to the north of the state of Durango. Its headwaters rise in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range, fed by precipitation from the Pacific Ocean, and it flows into the Río Grande.

2 . Transboundary basin

The Conchos river basin is key for the 1944 Water Treaty Between Mexico and the United States, since it is the main tributary of the Rio Grande on the Mexican side.

The Rio Grande, or Río Bravo as it is known in Mexico, forms the border between Mexico and the United States. It is also a source of water for more than 1.3 million people on both sides of the border.

3 . Desertification of the Conchos river

The Conchos river is experiencing a desertification process, which is leading to a significant loss of the riparian ecosystem. The state of the ecosystem and the population that depends on the river’s water resources is under threat.

In addition, offsetting the effects of climate change is a must, so greater efforts by the government to improve water management in the Conchos basin are essential.


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