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What is the widest river in the world?

Published By:anonymous Posted On:28/09/2023
What is the widest river in the world?

It was explored for the first time by Europeans in 1516, when Juan Díaz de Solís, chief commander of the Spanish crew, crossed the estuary to find a route towards the Pacific Ocean.


1 . Where does the Río de la Plata flow through?

The widest river in the world is Río de la Plata or River Plate, formed by the confluence of the Uruguay and Paraná rivers, and it empties into the Atlantic Ocean. It flows through Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.

世界上最宽的河流是拉普拉塔河(Río de la Plata),由乌拉圭河和巴拉那河汇流而成,汇入大西洋。它流经巴西、玻利维亚、巴拉圭、乌拉圭和阿根廷。

2 . What is the width of the Río de la Plata and how big is it?

The Río de la Plata is considered by some geographers as a gulf or a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean. It is generally considered a river with a maximum width of 230 kilometres at its mouth, and an estuary that drains the second largest basin in South America, after the Amazon basin, and the fifth largest in the world. Its drainage basin plus the basins of its tributaries add up to some 3,200,000 square kilometres, about a fifth of the surface area of the American continent.

The system consists primarily of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers, which contribute 97% of the total discharge volume, with annual average discharges of 16,000 and 4,000 m3/s respectively.

该系统主要由巴拉那河和乌拉圭河组成,这两条河占总流量的97%,年平均流量分别为16000和4000 m3/s。

3 . What is the conservation status of the Río de la Plata?

It is considered to be one of the most polluted rivers in the world. The Río de la Plata suffers the impacts of vegetation cover loss, urban agglomerations, intensive agriculture, roadways, mining, industry, and in general, population and economic growth in the region.



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