7 Foods to Feed a Sick Cat that Won't Eat

Source:AZ Animals Time:13/10/2023

When your feline friend is under the weather, seeing them turn their nose up at food can be distressing. It’s never easy to see your cat feeling sick. However, we’ve put together a list of seven foods that can help you entice your furry companion to eat. Whether it’s a minor tummy upset or a more severe health issue, these options will help boost their appetite and provide the necessary nutrients. Knowing if human food is safe for your cat is always important. Check out this list of 15 human foods your cats can eat.

1. Chicken and Rice Duo

7 Foods to Feed a Sick Cat that Won't Eat

Rice and chicken are gentle on your feline’s digestive system.


Boiling plain chicken and rice is a fantastic option for a sick cat. It’s easy to digest and contains lean protein and carbohydrates. The chicken is gentle on the stomach, and rice provides energy without upsetting your cat’s digestive system.

2. Low-sodium Chicken Broth

7 Foods to Feed a Sick Cat that Won't Eat

Beautiful cat eating its food.


Warm, low-sodium chicken broth is comforting and an excellent source of hydration for your cat. The warm liquid can help soothe their throat and make it easier for them to swallow.

3. Plain Greek Yogurt

7 Foods to Feed a Sick Cat that Won't Eat

The probiotics in yogurt can support your cat’s health during illness.


Plain Greek yogurt is a probiotic powerhouse. It helps promote a healthy gut by replenishing good bacteria. This is especially beneficial if your cat has digestive issues or has been on antibiotics, which can disrupt their gut flora.

4. Sweet Potatoes

7 Foods to Feed a Sick Cat that Won't Eat

The nutrients in sweet potatoes make them an ideal food while your cat is ill.

©Angelika Heine/Shutterstock.com

Cooked sweet potatoes are rich in essential vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. They’re easy to digest and gentle on your cat’s stomach. The added fiber can also help with digestion and bowel regularity.

5. Oatmeal

7 Foods to Feed a Sick Cat that Won't Eat

Skip the blueberries on this one and let your feline friend enjoy the soothing starch.


Plain, cooked oatmeal is a comforting and nutritious choice. It’s a bland, starchy base that can soothe your cat’s digestive system while providing a source of sustained energy.

6. Applesauce

7 Foods to Feed a Sick Cat that Won't Eat

Make sure you prepare unsweetened applesauce with no added ingredients.

©Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock.com

Unsweetened applesauce is a tasty, low-acid treat that can appeal to a cat’s palate. It’s gentle on the stomach and a good source of vitamins, including vitamin C, which can support the immune system.

7. Baby Food

7 Foods to Feed a Sick Cat that Won't Eat

Certain types of baby food are a good source of nutrients when your cat is under the weather.


Plain, unseasoned baby food, such as chicken or beef puree, can be a lifesaver when your cat feels unwell. These baby foods are typically easy to digest and highly palatable. Just ensure they don’t contain any harmful ingredients like onions and garlic.

Feeding a sick cat may be challenging, but with these seven nutritious options, you can help tempt their appetite and aid their recovery. Always consult your veterinarian for guidance tailored to your cat’s specific condition. Your loving care, patience, and these nourishing choices will have your feline friend purring with gratitude and on the road to a speedy recovery.


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