Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Source:AZ Animals Time:16/10/2023

Who doesn’t love bringing their pampered pooch on their outings? If you’re one of the many people who like to bring their dog everywhere, you might wonder, are dogs allowed in malls? And what are the rules to know before bringing them out in public?

Whether or not dogs are allowed in malls depends on the mall. In some, dogs are allowed in common areas and certain stores. In others, dogs aren’t allowed at all unless they’re service animals. It’s more likely for your dog to be allowed in outdoor areas than inside of mall buildings.

In this article, we’ll discuss when dogs are allowed in malls, when they aren’t, and 10 rules to know before shopping with your pup.

#1: Service Dogs Are Always Allowed

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Service dogs cannot be turned away from any part of the mall.


According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, service dogs cannot be denied entry into shopping malls. Anyone turning away a service dog is breaking the law.

Mall employees cannot ask about your private medical details or demand documentation for your service dog, either. They can ask if you need your service dog’s help for a disability and what tasks they’ve been trained to perform.

In addition, you can be asked to leave if your service dog misbehaves, especially in a way that bothers others such as excessive barking, getting into products, or peeing in the mall. Of course, these things aren’t typically an issue in service dogs as they’re trained to behave and focus on you while working.

#2: Outdoor Malls Tend to be More Lenient

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Your dog is more likely to be permitted in the outdoor areas of the mall.

©CandyRetriever/iStock via Getty Images

Outdoor malls tend to allow dogs more often than indoor malls, which often aren’t dog-friendly. This is likely because there’s less risk of your dog making a mess while outside.

Indoor malls may allow dogs only outside of the building, such as in seating areas outside of restaurants.

Many dogs will also feel more comfortable in an outdoor setting than going into strange buildings, especially if they aren’t used to the experience!

However, there’s nothing wrong with bringing your dog to any mall so long as you call ahead to ensure they’re allowed.

#3: Some Stores May Deny Your Dog, Even if They’re Allowed in the Mall

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Many malls will allow dogs in common areas while giving each store the choice of whether to allow dogs.

©AaronAmat/iStock via Getty Images

You may not be able to enter every store in the mall with your dog, which can cut your shopping trip short! This is one reason it might be best to leave your dog at home.

Another option is to shop together with someone else who can handle your dog if you want to shop at a non-dog-friendly store. Leaving your dog alone outside the shop is not recommended due to the risk involved.

Some stores will allow you to bring your dog inside so long as they’re on a leash, carried, or in a pet carrier. It’s typically up to each store to decide for themselves.

#4: Emotional Support Dogs Have to Follow the Same Rules as Pet Dogs

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Emotional support animals are not protected under the ADA and can be denied entry to the mall.

©Lucia Romero/

If you have an emotional support dog, please be aware that they won’t get special privileges in public like a service dog will. No public place has to allow your emotional support dog into the building, as the law only states that your housing must accommodate your dog.

If the mall or certain stores aren’t dog-friendly, your dog won’t be allowed to enter.

#5: Dogs Brought into Public Should be Neutered and Vaccinated

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Keeping up with vet visits is extra important when bringing them into public spaces so that they don’t get sick or spread disease.


Before bringing your dog into public spaces, please have them spayed or neutered. Also, ensure they’re up to date on their vaccines.

Many malls won’t require these things, but they’re a way to be courteous to other dogs and their owners. No one wants dogs trying to mate in public, or unvaccined dogs getting others sick!

If your dog goes out in public often, your vet will typically recommend more than the core vaccines to keep them healthy.

#6: Malls Can Kick Out Poorly Behaved Dogs

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Barking and other misbehavior might not be tolerated by the mall employees.


If your dog doesn’t behave in the mall, you can be asked to leave. Even dog-friendly malls will have their limits, and you should only bring trained and socialized dogs inside.

Before taking them to the mall, your dog should be fully potty trained. They should know how to walk well on a leash without lunging or barking at other people or animals. You must have control over them at all times.

They don’t have to be absolutely perfect–but only the best-behaved pups should be in busy crowded spaces like malls. Poorly-behaved dogs can pose a risk to the public and to themselves.

#7: Your Dog Should be On-Leash at All Times

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Your dog should be on their leash and on their best behavior.


You cannot allow your dog to wander any mall off-leash. Even if they’re trained to stay close, most areas have leash laws when you bring your dog into public. The mall can also kick you out for not keeping your dog leashed.

The exception to this is if you have a service dog who needs to be off-leash to perform their tasks.

#8: Don’t Bother Employees or Customers

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Train your dog to keep to themselves in public so that they aren’t bothering others at the mall.


Your dog shouldn’t be approaching other people or dogs while in the mall. Please remember that most people are there to shop, not to engage with your pup. (Though it’s okay to let people pet them if they ask!)

Dogs shouldn’t make things more difficult on mall employees, either. They shouldn’t take objects off of shelves, knock over items, or pee in the mall.

If your dog makes a mess or bothers other people in the mall, you’re likely to be asked to leave.

#9: Stay Home if Your Dog is Sick

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Sick dogs belong at home or at the vet, not at the mall.


It’s common courtesy to stay home if your dog is sick. Bringing them to dog-friendly places can spread disease and hurt other dogs.

Sick dogs also need rest, and a mall will typically be too much for them to handle. Everyone will be better off if they stay at home!

#10: Don’t Bring Your Dog if They’ll be Stressed

Are Dogs Allowed In Malls? 10 Important Rules to Know

Dogs who find public outings stressful should be left at home.

©Patrick H/

Lastly, it’s important to know your dog. A mall is a hectic environment for even the most well-trained and socialized pups.

If your dog is stressed by crowds, strangers, or other dogs, it’s best to leave them at home. It’s good to work on socializing your dog, but you have to take it slowly!

Dogs without any experience being out in public shouldn’t start with the mall but instead should be introduced to a less crowded space first.

In conclusion, many malls are dog-friendly. Be sure to call ahead and to only bring trained and healthy dogs shopping with you. If you have doubts about your dog’s ability to handle the mall, it’s usually better for everyone if you leave them at home.

Thank you for reading! If you have feedback on this post, please contact the AZ Animals editorial team.


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