Discover the 6 Most Historic Battlefields in North Carolina

Source:AZ Animals Time:12/10/2023

Have you ever wanted to go back in time? If you’re a history buff, then North Carolina might be the perfect place for you. Although North Carolina is recognized for having amazing beaches and vibrant city life today, there are some major historical places in plain worth visiting. The history of the United States has had some ups and downs along the way. When America was first trying to gain independence, the British came and fought against that. North Carolina was one of the most significant places during this time, because of tobacco production. This led to many fights and battles during the Revolutionary War being fought in North Carolina.

Another one of the darkest times in American history was the Civil War. This war was fought between 1861 and 1865. Unfortunately, this war provided the greatest number of American lives lost in any war. The war was fought between the North and the South, with the North prevailing. Due to the geography of the United States, one of the most common places for battle was North Carolina. This state sits almost in the middle and is now home to some of the most historic battlefields in history. Come learn about the six most important battlefields you can find in North Carolina.

Bentonville Battlefield – Johnston County, North Carolina

Located in Johnston County, North Carolina, the Battle of Bentonville was the largest Civil War battle fought in North Carolina. The battle also marked one of the last efforts by the Confederate Army before the war ended just a few short months later. These two days during the fight saw the United States have almost triple the amount of forces as the Confederate side. Sadly, there were more than 4,000 troops either killed, wounded, or missing by the end of the affair.

Those who wish to see this historic site now will be welcomed with a Visitor Center and the Harper House. This now-restored house was originally used as a hospital during the war. Inside is a kitchen that resembles what one at the time would look like. There’s also a walking trail around the property that includes some trenches used during the war. Back in 1970, the U.S. National Register of Historic Places added Bentonville Battlefield to its register.

Moores Creek National Battlefield – Wilmington, North Carolina

Discover the 6 Most Historic Battlefields in North Carolina

A cannon located at Moores Creek National Battlefield.

©Zack Frank/

Shortly before America declared independence on July 4th, 1776, there was a small battle near Wilmington, North Carolina. While you might not have ever read about it, this battle proved vital during the revolution. Over 1,000 patriots seeking independence fought 800 loyalists to the crown, and won. This battle is key because it showed current British provincial governor Josiah Martin that one of the most important and profitable colonies was on the side of revolution.

The loyalists showed up completely unprepared and thought the patriots would have few soldiers. The patriots showed up and immediately took control of the battle. This battle only lasted a few hours, but after the battle was deemed over, the colony of North Carolina proved they were serious about independence. Many historians credit this battle with being the main influence in North Carolina being the first colony to officially declare for independence. This battle was also one of the first official of the Revolutionary War.

Averasboro Battlefield – Cumberland County, North Carolina

Another famous battle from the Civil War was the Battle of Averasborough. Also fought in 1865, right before the end of the war, this was another battle that saw Union troops almost double Confederate troops. This battle only lasted one day, but it’s often referred to as the opener to the previously mentioned Battle of Bentonville. The Confederate side was hoping to hold off the Union army for much longer than they ended up before Bentonville. However, this proved to be a lot harder than previously thought.

The Confederate was only able to hold off the Union for one single day. During that one day, there were more than 1,200 lives lost. While both sides lost almost the same amount of troops, the Confederate didn’t have the backup the Union had. These days, this sight is known for having some of the most vast and beautiful land. There are also many different buildings and structures helping commemorate the battle.

Alamance Battleground – Great Alamance Creek, North Carolina

A battle that led to bigger and more important fights was the Battle of Alamance. This battle took place back in 1771, as part of a growing rebellion that was taking place in rural parts of the colony. William Tryon was the governor the crown put in charge of the colony. When he heard about these rumors, he marched over 1,000 troops to shut it down. Tryon and the British militia he brought won.

He would end up taking 13 prisoners back to make an example out of them for rebelling. He pardoned many of the participants as long as they would pledge allegiance to the crown. While many did pledge allegiance, it would end up being an empty promise. Even though those rebelling lost, it was crucial to let others know a revolution was coming.

Goldsborough Bridge Battlefield – Wayne County, North Carolina

Discover the 6 Most Historic Battlefields in North Carolina

The Battle of Goldsborough took place in Wayne County, North Carolina.


One Civil War battle that took place during Christmas time in 1862 was the Battle of Goldsborough. The Union marched towards a railroad with the hopes of cutting a major supply chain for the Confederates. The Union destroyed enough of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Bridge that proved to be hugely significant down the line for the Union. After destroying this bridge, the Confederates attacked the Union on their way back to their base.

However, even after destroying this railway, the Union held off the Confederates. In this battle, the stronger Union took more lives than the Confederates, causing them to fall back. In totality, there were more than 1,300 soldiers killed between the two groups. This battle proved to be important and the destruction of this bridge would be one of the main reasons the Union had control in North Carolina.

New Bern Battlefield Park – New Bern, North Carolina

Discover the 6 Most Historic Battlefields in North Carolina

North Carolina has had many battles, with hopefully no more.

©Adam Parent/

New Bern, North Carolina is home to not one, but two of the most significant battles during the Civil War. The first took place in 1862, right before the Battle of Goldsborough. Like most Civil War battles, the Union came in with a significant troops advantage. This was one of the places the Confederate Army had a strong hold over, especially early in the war. New Bern was also a major coastal city, making it easier for them to travel by ship. The Union won the first battle, which took place around a week and a half.

After the first battle, the Union had an easy access point into Confederate territory. This was a huge step, especially early on in the war. Later on in 1864, the Confederates attempted to take back their once sacred town. The battle would last around two days, with the Union securing the victory and keeping control of the town. Between the two battles, there were around 460 soldiers killed. Given some of the other confirmed numbers, that’s a low amount.

North Carolina truly does have some of the best scenery and city life in the world. You can enjoy a delicious brunch downtown while relaxing by the ocean, all in one day. For people who love history and appreciate getting a firsthand experience, North Carolina shows out. There are so many historical sights and places to visit, including these battlefields. It’s important to keep them alive and bustling so their stories are always told.


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