Buffalo and Tiger Have a Heated Stare Down Before The King of the Jungle Decides Its Not Worth The Fight
In this incredible clip, a and a come face-to-face on a jungle road. At first, neither of them wants to back down so they stare at each other for a few moments. Incredibly, it is the tiger that eventually gives up. The predator turns to the side and heads back into the vegetation. Meanwhile, the continues on its journey down the road. Scroll down to see this full extraordinary encounter that ends in a way no one expected!
Where Do Tigers Normally Live?
Tigers are distributed over six bio regions. There are different sub-species living in each of the different regions. So, for example, the Bengal tiger sub-species lives on the Indian subcontinent and are found in , Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. The , on the other hand, is found only on the island of Sumatra. Their historical ranges were much wider and they could be found throughout Asia from Turkey to the eastern coast of Russia. It is estimated that tigers have lost over 90 percent of their former range and this is happened over the past 150 years.
In terms of habitat, tigers can tolerate several different types of environment. They often live in dense vegetation so you will find them in both temperate and tropical forests. They like semi evergreen and wet evergreen forests as well as coniferous deciduous forests. Tigers typically avoid areas where humans are found frequently. However, very young, old, or wounded tigers can venture closer to human settlements.
What Do Tigers Normally Eat?
which means that they have to eat the flesh of other animals to stay alive. They eat very little, if any, plant material. Their preferred prey are large ungulates so you will find them hunting , water buffalo, and wild cattle. In between larger kills, they opportunistically take primates, birds, reptiles, and fish. You can even see tigers eating invertebrates from time to time. Rarely, tigers will take on an or a rhinoceros calf, but they would not attempt to kill a fit adult.
This particular tiger backs down from attacking a domestic buffalo. These herbivores are equipped with sharp horns and hooves. They are also large animals and would take a lot of effort for a tiger to bring down. The predator obviously decided that this meal was not worth the risk!