Watch a Fisherman Get Absolutely Launched into a Pond When a Rude Sheep Rams Him
Sheep are curious animals by nature, which can sometimes lead to a mean streak. In the brief clip below, we see a bleater who’s obviously unhappy with a nearby fisherman. His solution? Wind up for a surprise attack and knock the unsuspecting dude into the water, of course! In this hilarious clash, it’s honestly unclear what’s funnier between the sheep’s antics and the man’s reaction.
As a flocking species and an ungulate, headbutting is a common behavior for sheep. This kind of interaction is used for establishing social order amongst others. In this case, though, this intrepid fellow decided to show the fisherman who was actually in charge!
Make sure to close the gate on the sheep pen, and let’s explore the wooly world of these entertaining creatures.
Are Sheep Mean?
The prevalent sheep is usually seen as an innocent, possibly simple animal. However, recent studies have proven that they’re impressively smart. For example, they have incredibly good memory and can remember individual sheep and humans for years. This plays into how socially advanced sheep are, which makes sense given that they are very committed flock creatures.
If you watch sheep closely, you may notice they are very expressive critters. They use their ears to show what’s currently on their mind, whether it’s happiness, sadness, or frustration. The one we see in the video below is definitely unhappy about something, although his ears aren’t the giveaway here. Instead, his carefully calculated body language lets us know that an attack is on its way!
What’s up With Sheep Wool?
One of the first things that might come to mind when discussing sheep is their fluffy wool. This kind of hair fiber is significantly different from standard mammal fur. You see, wool is wavy and flexible, and it’s designed to trap body heat. This natural protection allows them to stay warm in cold weather and is also why wool is so valuable for making clothing.
Worry not for the comfort of sheep when they get a haircut, a process known as shearing. As long as the trimmer knows what they’re doing and keeps the animal’s safety in mind while working, no harm should occur. Efficient and friendly shearers go about their work in an easygoing way to prevent their current sheep from getting too stressed. If you’re interested, the New Zealand Government has published an amazing guide on how this is done properly!