We won’t know the truth until we make a comparison. The 20 pictures will tell us that there will be no injury if there is no comparison.

Time:August 17, 2024

No comparison, I don't know. It's a surprise! 20 pictures tell us that without comparison, there is no harm

The first picture: The completely different scenery presented by the same house in four different seasons of the year

The second picture: two identical plants planted on the same day, the one on the left is fertilized, and the one on the right is unfertilized

The third picture: a huge moose, which looks bigger than the car parked in the parking space

The fourth picture: The comparison between the palm of a gorilla and that of a human is really surprising

Fifth picture: A beautiful embroidery painting that, when turned over, is somewhat unacceptable

Although 30 years have passed, there seems to be no trace of time left on my mother's face

Seventh photo: Hongyadong in Chongqing in 1990 vs. Hongyadong in Chongqing today. In just a few decades, this place has undergone earth shaking changes, transforming from an ordinary residential area into a popular check-in spot for internet celebrities

The eighth picture: Reunion after 40 years, the young girl who was once young has now become a bloated middle-aged woman

The ninth picture: A comparison of a woman before and after losing weight, which is a beautiful change that makes people feel happy

One day, on a whim, I wanted to see how big the roots and stems of various weeds and plants in the yard were. After an afternoon of hard work, I dug them all out PS: My height is 1.7 meters, and between me and various rhizomes is a normal sized banana

The eleventh picture: A $10 lightsaber vs. a $400 lightsaber It's true that you get what you pay for, and the difference is not ordinary

Twelfth picture: Comparison of the same woman before and after makeup, it's like a different person

Thirteenth picture: Two completely different worlds seen in the same window

After passing through the snow, you can clearly see that one cat is fat and the other is thin

When a gymnast (left) and a volleyball player (right) stand together, although they are both sports, different events have different height requirements

16th picture: The huge banana tree leaves can be used as a blanket

The 17th picture: Comparison between a man before participating in the war and after participating in the four-year war, visibly transformed into another person

The 18th picture: The civilian and wealthy areas in Mexico City, although separated only by a wall, have a distance like heaven and hell

The 19th picture: Comparison of the same woman's beauty before and after, it looks like two completely different people

Article 20: Meghan&Middot; Fox's once stunning face, compared to 2009 and 2022, has become stiff after multiple plastic surgeries



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