museum's fascinating exhibition: 30 incredible exhibits that make people can't help sharing!

Time:September 1, 2024

The museum not only houses history, but also astonishing and fascinating exhibits! From kidney stone jar to Edison; The last breath;, 30 incredible things that make people unable to resist taking photos to share this shock!

The first one: the Swedish warship Vasa, which sank in less than a mile during its first voyage in 1628. 333 years later, it was salvaged from the seabed, almost intact, and now it is housed in the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, becoming one of the best preserved 17th century ships in the world.

The second one: Roman leather sandals from 1800 years ago, currently on display in Wendoland Castle, Northumberland, England, offer a glimpse into the fashion of ancient Rome.

The third one: In the World War II Museum in Gdansk, Poland, boxes of luggage are quietly displayed, with countless tragedies of families and lives behind them.

The Capitoline Museum in Rome has artworks carved on stone for visually impaired people to experience, so they can also appreciate paintings

Number 5: Plastic bag jellyfish at the Vancouver Aquarium.

Number 6: There is a free public bike lane next to the Dutch National Museum of World War II, making it convenient for tourists to visit.

The exhibition of iPhone and Google G1 in the museum made me marvel at how time flies and feel like I'm getting old.

Number 8: I accidentally discovered a copper sales complaint from 3700 years ago at the British Museum.

Number 9: The whale model in the American Museum of Natural History is now being“ Vaccination” After receiving the vaccine, the children were also tied up with bandages during vaccination, which looked quite interesting.

Number 10: A Danish art museum offers a unique experience where visitors can personally paint a Lamborghini.

Number 11: In Henry&Middot; Ford Museum, you can feel Thomas· Edison's last breath

Number 12: In the museum in Edinburgh, you can catch a glimpse of the cloned sheep Dolly.

The 13th one: The marble exhibition at Cardiff Museum attracts art enthusiasts with its exquisite craftsmanship and historical value.

The 14th one: The bra ball held by the American Dream Art Museum has attracted a lot of attention with its unique theme and creativity.

15th: Speyer's Roman wine, considered the oldest liquid wine in the world, dates back to 325-350 AD and was discovered in a tomb in 1867. It is now preserved in a museum.

The 16th one: The jars in the surgical museum are filled with gallstones and kidney stones.

The dinosaurs in the Indianapolis Children's Museum are wearing masks.

Number 18: This museum has animal specimens randomly hidden in strange places& mdash; Behind other exhibits, wait

Number 19: A museum displays the clothing worn by survivors of intimate attacks during the attack, which touches people's hearts

Number 20: The oldest bonsai tree in the world& mdash; The Red Leaf Banyan, which is over 1000 years old, is preserved in the Bonsai Museum in Crespi, Italy.

21st item: Exhibits from Hakone Open Air Museum

Number 22: My local museum has obtained a physical sized replica of the Wind God pterosaur. It looks too real

23rd: The roundest object in the world, at the German Museum in Munich, Germany

Number 24: In Japan, there is a rock museum that looks like a human face

The entrance to the Van Gogh exhibition always attracts countless art enthusiasts.

Number 26: In the restroom of this wax museum, there is actually a wax figure

27th: In World War II, the Allies used inflatable tank decoys to deceive the Germans, so that they mistakenly thought the invasion point was hundreds of miles away

The 28th one: Cup Noodle Museum. Osaka Ikeda

29th: The Complete Human Nervous System in the Anatomy Museum of Baylor College of Medicine

30th: The Titanic Museum in Orlando is selling a huge Titanic coal block for $500000



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