Ugly House Awards: 24 Hilarious Pictures of 『Ugly Architecture』 Show Us Another Side of Buildings

Time:September 13, 2024

Belgium, a country known for its diverse architectural styles, not only boasts stunning and beautiful buildings, but also hides some hilarious'; Ugly "; house. These unique buildings, although vastly different from Belgium's traditional exquisite architectural style, showcase a unique charm in their own way.

Today, let's follow these photos and explore this mysterious, humorous, and quirky project together& mdash;“ Ugly Belgian houses;, See how these houses subvert our inherent understanding of architecture, bringing different visual enjoyment and thinking.

This house has windows of various shapes: circular, semi-circular, angular, and everything you need.

That house looks shaky, as if it could collapse at any moment.

I tried to contact the architect to solve the problem, but he avoided my inquiry.

This residence exudes a strange atmosphere.

Ugly Belgian houses seem to quietly surround the surrounding buildings.

The design of the window is really unbelievable and completely incomprehensible.

They recently discovered a huge garage in Giza.

8. This house is actually quite cute, but its shape is a bit peculiar.

This may be an extreme manifestation of Belgian minimalism.

Having a Gothic style neighbor is also a unique experience.

This house is actually equipped with a car that matches its style.

This building looks like an extra brick on the wall.

This house is undoubtedly a model of ugly Belgian houses.

The design style of this door is truly unique.

This house looks like a shop selling statues.

This house is really interesting and unforgettable.

This building is similar to Maria of Lourdes; The cave;, Belgium has many such churches and small Maria churches.

This house makes people feel ashamed to see it.

The design of these windows is truly unique.

This building is like an impolite cactus.

This building showcases the artistic style of barbarism.

This building gives people a psychedelic feeling of Art Nouveau style.

The appearance of this Belgian residence is astonishingly similar to Munch's painting 'The Scream'.

The designer may have already fallen asleep while designing this house.



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