英語繪本 ▏每日壱讀之《三囯縯義—空城計Empty City Strategy》

Time:August 19, 2024


Once, Cao Cao got the news that Zhuge Liang's troops in Xicheng were very weak, with only ten thousand soldiers. So Cao Cao sent General Sima Yi to lead an army of more than one houndred thousand to attack Xicheng.


Zhuge Liang sent most of the soldiers out of the city to transport food, and he took more than two thousand soldiers to guard Xicheng.


Zhuge Liang ordered the people in the city to hide, and told the soldiers: "Put away all the military flags and open all the city gates on all sides."


"What? Open all the city gates?" The soldiers didn't understand. Then Zhuge Liang asked the soldiers to dress up as ordinary people to sprinkle water and sweep the streets.


Everything was ready, Zhuge Liang took two book boys to the tower and calmly played the piano.


Soon, Sima Yi came to the city with his soldiers. Sima Yi saw that all the city gates were open, and thought to himself: "Why are all the city gates open? Doesn't Zhuge Liang know that we are coming to attack the city?"


Sima Yi found it very strange to see Zhuge Liang playing the piano on the tower. So Sima Yi ordered the army to temporarily stop advancing.


The soldiers were also very confused and said: "Huh? Why are all the city gates open? There is not a single soldier on the tower."


They only saw a few people cleaning the streets, and they didn't look panicked at all.


Zhuge Liang's melodious piano sound came from the tower. The enemy was in front of him, and Zhuge Liang still had the leisure to play the piano?


Sima Yi thought: "Huh! Zhuge Liang must have ambushed thousands of troops and waited for us to be fooled!"


At this moment, the piano sound on the tower became more and more urgent, just like before a storm.


The more Sima Yi listened, the more he felt something was wrong. He said, "Oh no, Zhuge Liang must be sending a signal. The soldiers may be about to attack."


Sima Yi hurriedly ordered the army to retreat, but Sima Yi's son disagreed. He said, "Father, let's not be fooled by Zhuge Liang. Maybe there are really only a few soldiers in Xicheng?"


Sima Yi said, "Zhuge Liang is usually cautious, but he is so bold today. There must be something wrong."


Sima Yi led hundreds of thousands of troops to retreat quickly, and they all disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Zhuge Liang laughed when he saw Sima Yi's army retreating from the tower. He successfully saved Xicheng without using a single soldier.


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