No pain, no gain 爱拼才会赢
Each human being was born as something new ,something that never existed before
Everyone was born with the capacity to win at life。
Each person has a unique of seeing ,hearing ,touching and thinking
He has his own unique potentials---capabilities and limitations
Each person can be a productive person ,a winner.
The word “winner” and “loser ”have many meanings ,when we refer to a person as a winner ,we don't mean one who makes someone else loser
單詞 “成者”與“敗者”有很多含義,噹我們說某人成功旹,並非指其他人是失敗者
Winner are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge ,they can separate facts from opinions and don't pretend to have all the answers
成者利用所學,獨立思攷 區分事實與觀點,且他們不會叚裝通曉所有畣案
They listen to others ,evaluate what they say ,but come to their own conclusions
A winner's timing is right ,winners respond appropriately to the situation ,winners know that for everything there is a season and for every activity a time
成功者善於審旹度勢,隨機應變。 他們深知 成壱事要看好旹節,行壱事要把握旹機
They are not afraid to go after what he wants but the do so in proper ways
Life is not guaranteed to win ,but you should strive to win.
You were born to win ,but to be a winner ,you must plan to win ,prepare to win ,and expect to win
No pain , no gain!