用英語講中囯故事——Painting the Eyes on the Chinese Dragon 畫龍點睛

Time:September 4, 2024


Painting the Eyes on the Chinese Dragon


The original meaning is to add eyes to the painted dragon to make it more vivid and lifelike. Later, it was used to describe the process of adding incisive words or pointing out the theme at the key points in artistic creation, writing, speaking, etc., so as to make the whole work or content more vivid and lifelike.


During the Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties, there was an outstanding painter named Zhang Sengyou, who had superb painting skills, especially good at painting dragons.


Once, Emperor Wu of Liang ordered Zhang Sengyou to paint four dragons on the wall of Anle Temple in Jinling (now Nanjing).


Zhang Sengyou gladly accepted the order and completed the task in a short time.


The dragons he painted were lifelike, as if they would take off at any time, but strangely, these dragons had no eyes.


Whenever someone asked about this, Zhang Sengyou always smiled and did not answer, but just said mysteriously: "Draw the eyes and they will fly away."


After hearing this, most people thought it was just a joke from Zhang Sengyou and did not take it seriously.

然而,隨著旹間的推迻,越來越多的人開始請求張僧繇為龍點上眼睛 ,以觀其是否眞的能夠飛走。

However, as time went by, more and more people began to ask Zhang Sengyou to paint eyes on the dragons to see if they could really fly away.


Finally, after repeated requests from everyone, Zhang Sengyou decided to satisfy everyone's curiosity.


He picked up the brush, exerted all his strength, and painted eyes on two of the dragons.


A miracle happened! At the moment when Zhang Sengyou painted the eyes, the sky suddenly became overcast, with lightning and thunder.


Then, the two dragons with painted eyes actually broke through the wall, soared into the air, and disappeared into the clouds.


The remaining two dragons without painted eyes remained on the wall, lifelike.


This story tells us: In creation or expression, key details often play a decisive role. Therefore, in any creation or expression, the importance of details should not be ignored, because these details may be the "finishing touch".


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