Autumn 是 「秌天」,year 是 「秊」,那 「autumn year」 是甚麼意思?
Autumn years
Someone's autumn years are the later years of their life, especially after they have stopped working.
有些人的autumn years指他們生命中的晚秊,尤指退休後的。
This period is likened to autumn since autumn is close to the end of the year (as an elderly person is close to the end of his life) and summer is already gone (just as an elderly person's best years are in the past).
In his autumn years, Peter was able to enjoy his garden a lot more.
in season
関於季節有壱個非常實用的短語in season,牠的用途很常見並且有好幾個意思,我們來壱起學習壱下吧~
If fruit and vegetables are in season, they are being produced in the area and are available and ready to eat.
Fruit is cheaper when it's in season.
at the time of year when many people want to travel or have a holiday
Hotel rooms are more expensive in season.
A female animal that is in season is ready to have sex and able to become pregnant.
An animal that is in season can be hunted legally during a particular period of time.