用英語講好中囯文化-24節氣之秌分The Autumn Equinox

Time:September 19, 2024

The Autumn Equinox is the sixteenth of the twenty-four solar terms, usually occurring between September 22 and 24 each year, when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 180°.

秌分是二十四節氣中的第十六個節氣,通常在每秊公厤的9月22 - 24日,此旹太陽到迖黃經 180°。

On this day, the sun shines directly on the equator, resulting in equal day and night around the world, each lasting about 12 hours. After the equinox, the sun’s direct rays begin to move southward, leading to shorter days and longer nights in the northern hemisphere, while the southern hemisphere experiences longer days and shorter nights.


Following the equinox, the weather starts to cool down, with temperatures gradually dropping. Even in southern regions, the weather becomes pleasantly cool. During this time, the skies are often clear, rainfall decreases, and the temperature difference between day and night widens. In some areas, it can be relatively warm in the midday, while it is noticeably cooler in the mornings and evenings.


The Autumn Equinox marks an important period for agricultural activities. It's a busy time for harvesting, as crops like rice, corn, and sorghum reach maturity, and fruits such as apples, pears, and persimmons are harvested and brought to market.



In northern regions, after the harvest,timely autumn plowing and planting are essential. Autumn plowing helps aerate the soil, improve its structure, and reduce pests and diseases. Autumn planting mainly involves hardier crops, such as winter wheat and garlic. Sowing them at this time allows these plants to establish roots before winter sets in, laying the groundwork for a good harvest next year.


Traditional Customs


1. Moon Worship:


The Autumn Equinox was traditionally a "Moon Worship Festival." However, since a full moon doesn’t always occur on this day, the festival was later moved to the Mid-Autumn Festival. During moon worship, people would set up an offering table with mooncakes and fruits, pray to the moon, and seek blessings.


2. Egg Standing:


This is a fun custom where people believe that eggs stand upright more easily on the day of the Autumn Equinox. This might be related to the day’s equal day and night and the Earth’s axial tilt being relatively balanced with respect to its orbital plane. Many people enjoy trying to balance eggs on this day for fun.


3. Eating Autumn Vegetables:


In the Lingnan region, there is a tradition of eating autumn vegetables, a wild amaranth. Villagers gather these vegetables from the fields and cook them with fish slices in a soup, resulting in a delicious and nutritious dish.


During the Autumn Equinox, it’s important to adjust your diet and daily routine according to the weather changes.


Eating foods that nourish and hydrate, such as pears, sesame, walnuts, and lilies, can help alleviate the effects of autumn dryness on the body. It's also essential to maintain a balanced diet with adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals.


Clothing should be adjusted according to the weather. Going to bed early and rising early aligns with natural rhythms. Mornings are a good time for outdoor activities to enjoy fresh air, but be sure to keep warm to avoid catching a cold.


After the Autumn Equinox, the colors of autumn deepen, making it a great time for enjoying the fall scenery.



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