Watch This Huge Snapping Turtle Turn Into a Softy and Get Gentle Pets
With quick bites that could easily chop off your fingers, you might not think to lean in with your hand outstretched when you spot a snapping turtle. But the snapping turtle in the video at the bottom of the page proves that even snappy reptiles are capable of tender moments with the humans who love them (and name them!).
Snapping Turtle Overview
The name snapping turtle is an umbrella term that encompasses several different freshwater turtle species. They received this name because they bite in a snapping motion with their powerful jaws. These turtles inhabit different parts of the world, including Canada, North America, Mexico, Central America, and even further south in Ecuador. They can grow to be quite big and are often regarded as aggressive reptiles. However, as you’ll see in the video when you scroll down, they can also turn into softies. Even though they’re not social creatures, they seem to respond well to kindness.
©Carol Hamilton/
Can Snapping Turtles Be Pets?
In some regions, snapping turtles are protected. It is always best to check with local laws to determine if there are any restrictions on owning a snapping turtle as a pet. In places where it’s legal, snapping turtles can be kept as pets. Although the way they snap may appear intimidating, this is just their method of defense when they face a threat and feel afraid. They can be challenging to house, which is why anyone considering a snapping turtle as a pet should conduct extensive research before attempting to bring one home. When they’re handled from a young age, they develop into rather tame and loving creatures.
Snapping Turtle Turns into a Softy
When the video below starts, a large snapping turtle is walking on the floor. You hear the person filming call for their pet, “Gizmooo.” The snapping turtle responds to the voice and starts walking closer. It keeps its head elevated, looking up at the person filming as it approaches. “How are you, Gizmo,” the person continues as they snap their fingers at the turtle. Gizmo gets closer and receives pets under its chin. Then, Gizmo lifts up its front left leg to hold hands with its human for a brief moment. You can tell there is a special bond between the two. Gizmo almost appears to smile as the familiar hand offers more loving pets.