See the Intense Bear Brawl That Broke Out When Two Alpha Males Wanted the Same Meal
Do you ever wonder what happens when the biggest bears disagree? In the clip below, we can observe several of these mighty animals investigating a dead whale. Everything seems legit momentarily until one decides that sharing is not caring. One male tries to chase off a mother and her cub, which she certainly wasn’t going to put up with. Then, in a shocking turn, another huge male steps in and teaches the first one a lesson! They put up a fierce struggle with massive swipes, bites, and tackles. You can truly see the sheer might these critters possess in the way they battle. After a vicious clash, the party-crasher male realizes he isn’t going to win this one, and bugs out. The rescue attempt was a success!
Another fascinating detail is the posturing these animals exhibit. For example, the defensive attitude of the female is clear, as nothing stops a mom from protecting her children. Also, the males maintain a larger-than-life stance, including the trademark sidestepping gait that agitated bears adopt. This kind of body language speaks volumes for the dynamic nature of the animal kingdom.
So, get ready to head to bear country as we delve further into the dramatic world of brown bears!
How Dedicated Are Mother Bears?
If there’s someone you don’t want to irritate, it’s a mother bear, especially when her cubs are nearby. Attributed to the cause of a large number of bear attacks, mama simply won’t stand possible threats to her babies. While some species like the black bear will usually avoid conflict, brown bears are notoriously bold when angered. Knowing this, it’s best to avoid any kind of encounters with these animals for everyone’s safety. We recommend checking out the official guidelines from the Alaskan Department of Natural Resources if you need a refresher.
In addition to an undying resolve to protect their young, females will stick around for nearly two years during rearing. This time ensures that the growing cubs will learn all of the skills necessary to become mighty warriors and survivalists themselves.
What Do Bears Represent?
Bears have captivated the imagination all across the world, practically forever. If you can think of a place where they live, you’ll likely discover a tapestry of related folklore and mythology. For example, the Native Americans saw them as a symbol of rebirth, thanks to their yearly hibernation habits. The Russians have always revered them as the mystical owners of the forest lands.