Witness Everyone's Worst Nightmare as a Man's Boat Capsizes Next to a Circling Shark
We want to tell you something kind of surprising. Are you ready? When people go fishing, they expect to catch fish. That’s it, that’s the surprise. But, wait, you mean to tell us that sometimes people catch things other than fish? Sometimes, they attract sharks to their boats! Well, actually, if you think about it, sharks are actually fish. If you didn’t know this, hang onto your boots, and let’s dive into what the NOAA Fisheries has to say about sharks and fish.
“Are sharks fish? Sharks are fish. They live in water, and use their gills to filter oxygen from the water. Sharks are a special type of fish known because their body is made out of cartilage instead of bones like other fish.”
Shark Sighting
©aspas/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images
We’re not exactly sure where this video takes place; however, we can clearly see that there are several boats out on the water. And they are all out there for some good fishing. The guy that’s in the life vest in the middle is clearly experiencing something turbulent happening to his little canoe.
That is because a shark underneath his boat is taking him for a ride! Perhaps this shark wasn’t too happy he was fishing for the fish he eats. Four seconds into this video, we see that he ends up losing one of his oars because he’s trying everything he can to stay on top of the boat!
After all, technically, you can go swimming with sharks; however, this one doesn’t seem super friendly. So swimming with him is probably not going to be a good idea. We hear the sounds of his friends cheering him on. It’s almost like he’s riding a bull at the rodeo, and everyone thinks it’s super cool. Super cool, though it may be, it would be incredibly dangerous if he fell into the water with an angry shark.
At 28 seconds, this shark is fully visible to us. And just a mere few seconds later, we see this shark capsize this boat, and the man falls out! Luckily for him, he was but a short distance from his friend’s boat, and he swam hard and was pulled up to safety.
How Many Types of Sharks Are There?
While we might famously know the great white shark or the hammerhead shark, we can assure you that there are more sharks in the ocean than these two celebrity sharks. It is estimated that there are more than 500 species of shark that are in our oceans. While sharks can be found all over the world, the most shark-infested waters are in the United States and in Australia.