Watch a Valiant Pit Bull Expel a Group of Lazy Sea Lions in Less Than 10 Seconds
You have to feel sorry for the sea lions in this clip. One moment that are resting on a jetty in the harbor, sunbathing and minding their own business. The next, they are being herded into the sea by a dog! It literally takes 10 seconds for the canine to usher all of the sea lions into the sea. As you can hear from the noise are they making, they are not exactly pleased about it.
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What Exactly Are Sea Lions?
Sea lions are a member of the Otariidae family. They, together with seals, are referred to as pinnipeds. However, sea lions bark loudly and can ‘walk’ on land using their larger flippers. They also have earflaps. Sea lions are able to live in a variety of climates in both the northern and southern hemisphere. All of the major oceans have populations of sea lions except for the Atlantic Ocean. There are six sub species of sea lions which include the Australian sea lion, the California sea lion, and the New Zealand sea lion.
Do Sea Lions Normally Roar?
The sea lions in the above clip are very vocal! Sea lions call make a variety of noises and they often get louder and louder as the animals feel more threatened. They use roaring as a way of protecting their territory and to tell other animals to leave them alone. These guys also use a barking sound which is usually made by males when they are looking for females. Sea lions can also make a loud trumpeting sound which is a signal to other sea lions that there is danger nearby.
Do Sea Lions Interact With Humans?
©Marcos del Mazo/
The pit bull in this clip was obviously not happy about the presence of the sea lions and would prefer that they were back in the water! The sea lions here were willing to comply but that is not always the case. Aggressive behavior in sea lions has been recorded. There are instances where they have blocked people from mooring their boats. They have even snatched pet dogs from piers.
Sea lions like food! They have been known to snatch bags out of people’s hands if they think that there is a tasty treat inside. Also, they can be pretty determined when they find a place that they like to hang out. The chances are they will be back up on this jetty once the pit bull has gone home.