216 Charming Mexican Dog Names for Your Furry Amigo
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Spanish is a beautiful and deeply versatile language. Having evolved from colloquial Latin, Spanish reigns as the official language in 20 countries, boasting approximately 486 million native speakers, primarily in Spain and the Americas. As one of the most widely spoken languages in the world – one that serves as a bridge to various cultures and communities – the global relevance of Spanish cannot be overstated. Unsurprisingly, Spanish names possess a multifaceted history rooted in the diverse cultural heritage of several countries – and often encompass Latin, Arabic, and Germanic linguistic roots and influences. Consequently, Spanish names frequently contain multiple meanings and are rich in significance.
Moreover with its melodic, rhythmic, and poetic qualities – combined with its extensive lexicon and robust vocabulary – Spanish is celebrated for its ability to convey deep emotions and complex sentiments. In short, Spanish provides an abundance of inspiration for naming your recently-adopted canine companion.
Finally, as both the most populous Spanish-speaking country and a dog-loving nation, Mexico – which, according to the the National Statistics Institute of Mexico (INEGI) is home to some 43.756 million pet dogs – has some of the cutest and most descriptive names for dogs out there.
Here are 215 charming Mexican dog names for your furry amigo.
Traditional Masculine Names
- Adrian – Meaning: “Man of Adria.”
- Alejandro – Meaning: “Defender of mankind.”
- Antonio – Meaning: “Priceless” or “Highly praiseworthy.”
- Arturo – Meaning: “Bear-like” or “Noble.”
- Caleb – Meaning: “Faithful, devoted.”
- Carlos – Meaning: “Free man” or “Strong.”
- Daniel – Meaning: “God is my judge.”
- David – Meaning: “Beloved” or “Uncle.”
- Eduardo – Meaning: “Wealthy guardian.”
- Emilio – Meaning: “Rival.”
- Fabio – Meaning: “Bean grower” or “Agrarian worker.”
- Fernando – Meaning: “Bold voyager” or “Adventurous.”
- Francisco – Meaning: “Free man” or “Frenchman.”
- Gabriel – Meaning: “God is my strength.”
- Gerardo – Meaning: “Spear ruler” or “Brave with a spear.”
- Hugo – Meaning: “Mind” or “Intellect.”
- Jesús – Meaning: “God saves.”
- Jose – Meaning: “May Jehovah add.”
- Juan – Meaning: “God is gracious.”
- Julian – Meaning: “Youthful” or “Downy-bearded.”
- Leo – Meaning: “Lion.
- Lorenzo – Meaning: “Laurel wreath” or “Crowned with laurel.”
- Luis – Meaning: “Famous warrior.”
- Manuel – Meaning: “God is with us.”
- Mateo – Meaning: “Gift of God.”
- Miguel – Meaning: “Who is like God?”
- Oscar – Meaning: “Deer lover” or “Champion warrior.”
- Paco (Diminutive of Francisco) – Meaning: “Free man” or “Frenchman.”
- Pedro – Meaning: “Rock” or “Stone.”
- Poncho (Diminutive of Francisco) – Meaning: “Free man” or “Frenchman.”
- Ricardo – Meaning: “Powerful ruler” or “Brave king.”
- Roberto – Meaning: “Bright fame.”
- Santo – Meaning: “Saint.”
- Santiago – Meaning: “Saint James.”
- Sebastián – Meaning: “Venerable” or “Revered.”
- Sergio – Meaning: “Servant” or “Attendant.”
- Tomas – Meaning: “Twin.”
Traditional Feminine Names
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- Adalia: Meaning “Noble one” or “God is my refuge.”
- Alma: Meaning “Young woman” or “virgin,” “soul” or “spirit,” “young woman” or “maiden.”
- Ana: Meaning “Gracious,” “Merciful,” or “Favor.”
- Ariana: Meaning “Most holy” or “Silver.”
- Camila: Meaning “Servant for the temple” or “young ceremonial attendant.”
- Carmen: Meaning “Garden” or “Orchard.”
- Catalina: Meaning “Pure” or “Unblemished.”
- Clarisa: Meaning “Bright” or “Famous.”
- Daniela: Meaning “God is my judge.”
- Elena: Meaning “Bright, shining light.”
- Elisa: Meaning “God is my oath.”
- Esmerelda: Meaning “Emerald.”
- Estelle: Meaning “Star.”
- Feliz: Meaning “Happy.”
- Frida: Meaning “Peaceful” or “Sovereign.” Also a way to honor and memorialize Frida Kahlo.
- Gabriela: Meaning “God is my strength.”
- Gloria: Meaning “Glory” or “Fame.”
- Josefina: Meaning “God shall add.”
- Juana: Meaning “God is gracious.”
- Lia: Meaning “Weary” or “Tired.”
- Lucía: Meaning “Light.”
- Luisa: Meaning “Famous warrior.”
- Mira: Meaning “Wonderful,” “Peace,” or “World.”
- Rosalinda: Meaning “Beautiful rose.”
- Selena: Meaning “Goddess of the moon.”
- Silvia: Meaning “From the forest” or “Wooded.”
- Sofía: Meaning “Wisdom.”
- Teresa: Meaning “Harvester” or “Reaper.”
- Valeria: Meaning “Strong” or “Healthy.”
- Vanessa: Meaning “Butterfly.
Unisex Names
Unisex names in Spanish are not truly gender-neutral in exactly in the same way they are in English. Since Spanish has a grammatical gender system, names, just like nouns, are assigned as either masculine or feminine, with the accompanying articles “el” or “la.” Still, these mostly unisex names only alter the the final letter – to an “o” or an “a” – depending on gender – and are thus good names for any dog.
- Amigo/a – “Friend.”
- Bebé – “Baby.”
- Bonito/a – “Pretty” or “Beautiful.”
- Chico/a – “Boy” or “girl”.
- Chiquito/a “Little” or “Tiny” one.
- Gordito/a – “Chubby” in an endearing manner.
- Hermoso/a – “Beautiful.”
- Niño/a – “Little boy,” “Little girl,” or “Grace.”
- Pollito/a -“Little chick.”
- Príncipe/Princesa – “Prince or Princess.”
Adorable Food and Beverage-Based Names
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If you’re anything like me, then dogs and food/drinks are two of favorite things. In this case, culinary-themed names offer a playful way to express your love for both – while capturing your dog’s personality at the same time. In general, the simplicity and ease of their pronunciation also render food names practical for calling and training dogs.
- Albondiga (Meatball): For your silly pup who likes to roll around.
- Burrito: Perfect for a dog that likes to roll up in a cozy spot or laze in a blanket.
- Canela (Cinnamon): Ideal for a toasty-sweet dog.
- Churro: For a dog who makes life sweeter.
- Corona: Ideal for a dog with a bright and sunny personality.
- Dulce (Sweet): For your affectionate, sugar-filled dog.
- Elote (Grilled Corn with mayonnaise, cheese, and spices): Suited for a golden-colored pup.
- Enchilada: A name for an energetic dog.
- Fajita: Ideal for an active and zesty pup.
- Flan: Perfect for a silky and smooth-coated dog.
- Guacamole: Great for a green-eyed, vibrant pup.
- Habanero: For your dog with a fiery zest for life.
- Helado (Ice Cream): Ideal for a chill pup.
- Horchata: Suited for a cool dog with a refreshing disposition.
- Jalapeño: For your spicy little popper.
- Leche (Milk): For your black and white dog who looks like a dairy cow.
- Modelo: Perfect for mildly-sweet, invigorating dog.
- Mole: A name as rich and complex as your pup’s personality.
- Nacho: Great for a playful, cheesy dog.
- Paloma: Suited for a pup who is a little sweet and a tad sour simultaneously.
- Pastel (Cake): A sweet name for a dog who makes everything – especially celebrations – better.
- Pepita (Pumpkin Seed): Perfect for a dainty pup who packs a big punch.
- Pico (Short for Pico de Gallo): For the dog who makes your days more flavorful.
- Poblano: A name for a dog with mild charm and endless fun.
- Pozole: Great for a snugly, comforting dog.
- Queso: (Cheese): Suited for a delightfully-ridiculous pup.
- Salsa: Ideal for a dog with zest and pep.
- Taco: Perfect for a foldable, adaptable dog.
- Taquito: Great for a dog with a crispy temperment.
- Tamarindo: (Tamarind): Suited for a dog with a bright character.
- Tamale: A hearty, loving dog.
- Tajín: (chili and lime seasoning): Perfect for a dog with a tangy twist.
- Tecate: A name as bold and refreshing as your furry friend.
- Tostada: For bold dogs who have a lot of opinions.
Inspired by Spanish Words for Flowers or Nature
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- Aire – Meaning “air” or “wind.”
- Amapola – Meaning “poppy.”
- Atardecer – Meaning “sunset.”
- Aurora – Meaning “dawn” or “daybreak.”
- Azalea – Meaning is the same word inEnglish.
- Azucena – Meaning “lily.”
- Bahía – Meaning “bay.”
- Begonia – A flower name that’s the same in Spanish and English.
- Cielo – Meaning “sky” or “heaven.”
- Clavel – Meaning “carnation.”
- Corriente – Meaning “current” (often used to refer to a river’s flow).
- Delta – Meaning, “a river delta”.
- Estrella – Meaning “star.”
- Flor – Meaning “flower.”
- Geranio – Meaning “geranium.”
- Hortensia – Meaning “hydrangea.”
- Jacinto – Meaning “hyacinth.”
- Jazmín – Meaning “jasmine.”
- Lago – Meaning “lake.”
- Lavanda – Meaning “lavender.”
- Luna – Meaning “moon.”
- Lirio – Meaning “lily.”
- Mar – Meaning “sea.”
- Margarita – Meaning “daisy.”
- Monte – Meaning “mountain.”
- Nube – Meaning “cloud.”
- Ola – Meaning “wave.”
- Orquídea – Meaning “orchid.”
- Páramo – Meaning “a high, treeless plateau.”
- Pensamiento – Meaning “pansy.”
- Peonia – Meaning “peony.”
- Río – Meaning “river.”
- Rocío – Meaning “dew.”
- Rosa – Meaning “rose.”
- Selva – Meaning “jungle” or “forest.”
- Sierra – Meaning “mountain range.”
- Sol – Meaning “sun.”
- Tierra – Meaning “earth” or “land.”
- Tulipán – Meaning “tulip.”
- Valle – Meaning “valley.”
- Violeta – Meaning “violet.”
For Dogs Who Embody the Characteristics of Other Animals
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- Águila: Meaning “Eagle.”
- Canguro: Meaning “Kangaroo.
- Cisne: Meaning “Swan.”
- Cocodrilo: Meaning “Crocodile.
- Conejo: Meaning “Rabbit.”
- Gorila: Meaning “Gorilla.
- Halcón: Meaning “Falcon.”
- Jirafa: Meaning “Giraffe.
- León: Meaning “Lion.”
- Lobo: Meaning “Wolf.
- Oso: Meaning “Bear.”
- Pato: Meaning “Duck.”
- Pulpo: Meaning “Octopus.”
- Tigre: Meaning “Tiger.
- Tortuga: Meaning “Turtle.”
- Zorro: Meaning “Fox.”
- Cebra: Meaning “Zebra.”
Names that Honor Famous Writers and Artists from Mexico and other Spanish-Speaking Countries
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- Aurora (Aurora Reyes, a Mexican artist known for her paintings, 1908-1985).
- Diego or…
- Rivera (Diego Rivera, the Mexican muralist painter known for his iconic murals, 1886-1957).
- Federico or Lorca (Federico García Lorca, the Spanish poet and playwright, known for his poetic works, 1898-1936).
- Frida (Frida Kahlo, the Mexican painter known for her distinctive self-portraits, 1907-1954).
- Gabriel (Gabriel García Márquez, the Colombian novelist known for magical realism, 1927-2014).
- Isabel (Isabel Allende, a Chilean-American writer known for her novels, born 1942).
- Jacinto (Jacinto Quirarte, a Mexican-American art historian known for his contributions to art history, 1931-2012).
- Jorge (Jorge Luis Borges, the Argentine writer known for his literary works, 1899-1986).
- Julio (Julio Cortázar, an Argentine writer known for his innovative literature, 1914-1984).
- Marquez (Gabriel García Márquez, the Colombian novelist known for magical realism, 1927-2014).
- Neruda (Pablo Neruda, the Chilean poet known for his poetry, 1904-1973).
- Octavio (Octavio Paz, the Mexican poet and writer known for his influential works, 1914-1998).
- Pablo or Picasso (Pablo Picasso, the Spanish painter and sculptor known for his iconic art, 1881-1973).
- Remedios (Inspired by Remedios Varo, a Spanish-Mexican surrealist artist known for her unique artwork, 1908-1963).
- Rosario (Inspired by Rosario Castellanos, a Mexican poet and writer known for her literary works, 1925-1974).
- Salvador or…
- Dalí (Salvador Dalí, the Spanish surrealist painter known for his distinctive style, 1904-1989).
- Sorolla (Joaquín Sorolla, the Spanish painter known for his Impressionist art, 1863-1923).
- Vargas (Inspired by Claribel Alegría Vargas, a Nicaraguan poet and writer known for her literary contributions, 1924-2018).
Geographically-Inspired Names
- Cancún: Located on the eastern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula.
- Cabo (San Lucas): Situated at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula.
- Guadalajara: Located in western Mexico.
- Tulum: On the eastern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula.
- (Playa del) Carmen: Along the Caribbean coast.
- Mérida: On the Yucatán Peninsula.
- Puerto Vallarta: Along the Pacific Ocean.
- Oaxaca: In the southern part of Mexico.
- Puebla: In the state of Puebla.
- Cozumel: An island in the Caribbean Sea, near the Yucatán Peninsula.
- Yucatán: Located on the Yucatán Peninsula.
- Chiapas: In the southern part of Mexico.
- Sinaloa: On the western coast of Mexico.
- Sonora: In northwestern Mexico.
- Veracruz: On the eastern coast, along the Gulf of Mexico.
- Tabasco: In southeastern Mexico.
Dogs with Striking Coloring, Unique Eyes, or Dazzling Coats
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If your dog has a defining physical feature – like piercing blue eyes or luscious red fur – color names in Spanish can help capture their essence.
- Blanco:“Meaning white.”
- Negro: Meaning “black.”
- Rojo: Meaning “red.”
- Azul: Meaning “blue.”
- Amarillo: Meaning “yellow.”
- Verde: Meaning “green.”
- Gris: Meaning “gray.”
- Dorado: Meaning “golden.”
- Plateado: Meaning “silver.”
- Violeta: Meaning “purple.”
- Turquesa: Meaning “turquoise.”
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