12 Dinosaurs That Start With N

Published By:anonymous Posted On:02/10/2023

12. Nqwebasaurus

Last on our detailed list of dinosaurs that start with the letter ‘N’ is Nqwebasaurus. Nqwebasaurus, a small yet significant dinosaur, is the oldest dinosaur in this comprehensive list. It lived during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous periods, approximately 159 to 132 million years ago. This dinosaur was a theropod and belonged to the Coelurosauria clade, which includes some of the most famous dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor.

Nqwebasaurus was relatively small, with an estimated length of about 1 to 3 feet (0.3 to 1 meter) and a weight that was likely around 2.2 pounds or (1 kilogram). Its size and build would have made it agile and possibly swift. They had two long, three-fingered hands. Each included a partially opposable thumb in addition to a recurved claw. Moreover, it was either somewhat or predominately feathered.

Nqwebasaurus was carnivorous, preying on smaller animals, insects, and possibly small vertebrates. Its agile hunting abilities would have made it an efficient predator. However, the shape and structure of its teeth suggest it may not have been a carnivore.

Fossils of Nqwebasaurus have been discovered in South Africa, specifically in the rocks of the Kirkwood Formation. During the time period Nqwebasaurus roamed the Earth, there was a diverse ecosystem in this region, including forests and wetlands, providing a range of suitable habitats. Moreover, as of 2023, it is the oldest coelurosaur found in Africa.

Nqwebasaurus had a relatively small size compared to some of its larger theropod relatives. Its discovery contributes to our understanding of the diversity of coelurosaurs during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous periods, showcasing that theropods came in a variety of sizes and forms.

List of 12 Dinosaurs That Start With the Letter ‘N’

Many dinosaurs that start with ‘N’ lived during the Cretaceous Period.


Number Dinosaur Period Years
1 Nanshiungosaurus Late Cretaceous Approximately 84 to 71 million years ago
2 Nedoceratops Late Cretaceous Approximately 66 million years ago
3 Nemegtosaurus Late Cretaceous Approximately 72 to 68 years ago
4 Neovenator Early Cretaceous Approximately 127 to 121 million years ago
5 Neuquensaurus Late Cretaceous Approximately 80 to 66 million years ago
6 Nigersaurus Early Cretaceous Approximately 121 to 90 million years ago
7 Nipponosaurus Late Cretaceous Approximately 89 to 84  million years ago
8 Noasaurus Late Cretaceous Approximately 84 to 66 million years ago
9 Nodosaurus Early Cretaceous Approximately 110 to 100 million years ago
10 Nomingia Late Cretaceous Approximately 72 to 68 million years ago
11 Nothronychus Late Cretaceous Approximately 94 to 89 million years ago
12 Nqwebasaurus Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Approximately 159 to 132 million years ago

Full List of 49 Dinosaur Genera That Start With the Letter ‘N’

Dinosaurs thrived on Earth millions of years ago.

©Mark Brandon/Shutterstock.com

Number Dinosaur
1 Naashoibitosaurus
2 Nambalia
3 Nankangia
4 Nanningosaurus
5 Nanosaurus
6 Nanshiungosaurus
7 Nanuqsaurus
8 Nanyangosaurus
9 Napaisaurus
10 Narambuenatitan
11 Narindasaurus
12 Nasutoceratops
13 Natovenator
14 Navajoceratops
15 Nebulasaurus
16 Nedcolbertia
17 Nedoceratops
18 Neimongosaurus
19 Nemegtomaia
20 Nemegtonykus
21 Nemegtosaurus
22 Neosodon
23 Neovenator
24 Neuquenraptor
25 Neuquensaurus
26 Nevadadromeus
27 Ngwevu
28 Nhandumirim
29 Niebla
30 Nigersaurus
31 Ningyuansaurus
32 Ninjatitan
33 Niobrarasaurus
34 Nipponosaurus
35 Noasaurus
36 Nodocephalosaurus
37 Nodosaurus
38 Nomingia
39 Nopcsaspondylus
40 Normanniasaurus
41 Notatesseraeraptor
42 Nothronychus
43 Notoceratops
44 Notocolossus
45 Notohypsilophodon
46 Nqwebasaurus
47 Nullotitan
48 Nuthetes
49 Nyasasaurus


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