Watch This Cute Hamster Get Tucked Into the Tiniest Bed You've Ever Seen
Want to see the cutest hamster nighttime ever? This is the clip for you! It shows a cute little hamster being put to bed and settled down for the night. He seems to be enjoying getting stroked on the head as well.
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Popular Types of Pet Hamster
Hamsters are adorable and entertaining little creatures. However, there is not one single species of pet hamster so you have some decisions to make before getting one as a pet. The dwarf Roborovski hamster is the smallest of the pet hamster breeds. Even when they are fully grown they are just 2 inches long. They are quick and agile and are not always that keen on being handled. These guys do well in same-sex groups but need an aquarium-type cage because they can squeeze through spaces between bars. These pets have a lifespan of around three years.
Syrian or golden hamsters are also known as teddy bear hamsters and are another popular pet choice. They are much bigger and can grow to up to 9 inches in length and can live for up to four years. They are available in a wide range of colors and coat lengths. This is the best option if you want to handle your hamster because they are slower moving, not very likely to bite, and are a little more robust than the smaller species.
Pros and Cons of Having a Pet Hamster
Hamsters are often the first animals that families have as a pet. They are small and do not take up a lot of room and they are suitable for people who live in apartments. Hamsters are quiet and do not interfere with family life. Also, they don’t require a huge amount of attention because they are quite good at occupying themselves. They are also clean animals and because they are so small, they don’t produce a huge amount of poop. When they do poop it does not smell. However, their urine does have an odor. Even though they are small, hamsters have individual personalities and can be a lot of fun. If you handle them regularly and from a young age it is possible to build up a relationship and get a lot of enjoyment from having them as a pet.
The downside is that you will need to purchase some equipment when you first get your hamster. At the very least they need a large cage, some toys such as a running wheel to exercise on, a sand bath, and some bedding. You will also need to purchase suitable food for them. Hamsters are very good at escaping from their cages so this is something that you will need to look out for. Sadly, they do not live for very long so the time that you have to enjoy your hamster’s company is limited.