Are There Alligators in Any Parts of Michigan?

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 22, 2023

Maybe you’ve recently clicked on a video or article featuring an American alligator wandering around Michigan. Although terrifying to think about, alligators in the state of Michigan are almost unheard of and should be reported to the Michigan DNR. American alligators should not be kept as pets. These reports though beg the question, are there alligators in any parts of Michigan? The short answer is kind of.

Are There Alligators in Any Parts of Michigan?

Are There Alligators in Any Parts of Michigan?

American alligators can quickly grow and reach 16 feet long.

© Proxmire

Although it’s possible to see an alligator in Michigan, they aren’t native to the state. Instead, you have a better chance of seeing an alligator in a zoo than in a Michigan lake, pond, or river. However, if you see an alligator in the wild, it’s likely an abandoned pet. Technically, the state of Michigan doesn’t have any laws prohibiting the sale or ownership of alligators in the state. Still, it’s not wise to own an alligator. These large reptiles are apex predators and need a lot of space. They grow quickly, sometimes reaching as long as 16 feet, depending on the species.

It seems like every year there is a new case of a rogue alligator in Michigan, although most are small. For instance, in 2019, a man got quite a fright when collecting minnows in Tuscola County. Suddenly, a 5 to 6-foot alligator lunged at him from a ditch. In 2023, Michigan officers were called about a small alligator, with its mouth bound, found outside of someone’s home. It’s being investigated now as animal cruelty.

How Far North Do Alligators Live?

Are There Alligators in Any Parts of Michigan?

American alligators are not native to Michigan. Instead, you can find them across the southeastern United States, as far north as North Carolina.

©jaimie tuchman/

There are several types of alligators, although the most common species in the United States is the American alligator. These large reptiles are not native to Michigan but instead are found across the southeastern United States. You can find these gators from southeast Oklahoma and east Texas on the western side of their range to North Carolina and Florida in the east. The farthest north you can find these animals is North Carolina unless released or introduced.

American alligators can’t live any farther up as they need warm temperatures to survive. Northern states, like Michigan, are too cold for alligators.

Which State Has the Most Alligators?

Are There Alligators in Any Parts of Michigan?

Louisiana is the state with the most American alligators, followed by Florida. In Louisiana there are at least two million American alligators.

©Ben Nissen/iStock via Getty Images

While you may only find a handful of alligators in Michigan, way outside of their native range, there are two states with the most; Florida and Louisiana. Although the numbers are close, Louisiana has the most American alligators in the country. Louisiana is home to as much as two million American alligators, maybe even more! Florida has an estimated 1.3 million. When visiting either southern state, you might want to think twice before taking a dip in a lake. American alligators live in murky waters and are very difficult to spot. They hide in vegetation and may float right above the surface, ready to snap!

What to do if you See an Alligator in Michigan

If you ever see an alligator in the wild, no matter the location, step away from it! Generally, American alligators stay away from humans but may get defensive and territorial, especially if they are protecting their young. Never get close to an alligator, even more so if they are hissing. While alligator attacks are rare, you don’t want to be one of the few people to experience one.

After maintaining a safe distance, locals in Michigan recommend calling the non-emergency police line, animal control, and Michigan DNR. If you’re ever attacked by an American alligator, run as fast as possible in a straight line! Although some of us have been taught to run in a zig-zag, this is a myth. If running is out of the question, and you’ve been bitten, fight back by smacking its snout or its eyes. Don’t try to pry its mouth open. Keep your hands away from its mouth as this can do more damage. Honestly, though, alligator attacks are rare, especially in Michigan!

American Alligator Facts

  • Mother gators are very possessive and protective over their young.
  • American alligators can easily grow over 12 feet long.
  • Male alligators are larger than female alligators.
  • One of the largest recorded American alligators in the world weighed 1,043 pounds.
  • Out of 38 eggs, only 10 American alligators survive their first year.
  • Some adult American alligators can hold their breath for up to 45 minutes.
  • While American alligators aren’t monogamous, they sometimes mate with the same female.


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