190 Great Egyptian Cat Names and Their Meanings
The fluffy felines (or hairless ones!) know their ancestry. They belong on the royal terraces of the ancient Egyptian gardens. Surrounded by servants, cradled in luxury, cats held place as sacred creatures in those times. Today, we can honor that destiny for our feline pals with beautiful Egyptian cat names fit for a pharaoh or queen. Think of goddesses lounging in hammocks, sipping divine nectar. Imagine gods sprawled across porticoes of pure gold, dressed in lapis lazuli and black leather. These are our rulers. These are the best Egyptian cat names we can offer them.
How to Choose the Right Egyptian Cat Names for Your Feline Pals
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Let your imagination run wild as you dance through the papyrus strips of ancient Egyptian cat names you could choose. Think of your cat’s personality (even as kittens they have them!). Look at their coloring, their faces, their eyes. Or let your own interests in philosophy, art, history, or geography lead the way.
You can’t go wrong with these fabulous Egyptian cat names, so have fun, enjoy some irony, or acknowledge your cat’s rightful place on the throne.
Royal Egyptian Cat Names
All cats, Egyptian or otherwise, still seem to remember those royal roots, dating back to ancient Egypt. So, why not just give in and properly name that feline for their true place of honor?
- Amenhotep — Egyptian pharaoh
- Amirah — princess
- Aya — queen
- Cleopatra — queen
- Hapu — pharaoh
- Hatshepsut — female Egyptian ruler
- Hatshepsut — queen
- Hatshepsut — the second historically confirmed female pharaoh
- Jibade — related to royalty
- Khafra — pharaoh
- Khalfani — shall rule
- King Kufu — Khafre’s father
- Menes —pharaoh; founder of the First Dynasty
- Merneith — consort and a regent of Ancient Egypt; possibly a ruler
- Muhammad — Ottoman ruler
- Narmer — king
- Nefertari — queen
- Nefertiti — queen
- Oba — king
- Pharaoh —meaning “Egyptian ruler”
- Ptolemy — pharaoh
- Ramses — pharaoh
- Sethos — prince
- Shabaka — king
- Sobekneferu — a female pharaoh
- Thutmose — the third pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt
- Tut — short for King Tutankhamun
- Tutankhamun — the famous Egyptian pharaoh known as King Tut
- Tuya — Egyptian Queen
- Twosret — a female Egyptian ruler
- Urbi — princess
God-like Egyptian Cat Names
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These heavenly Egyptian cat names will certainly offer some ideas for the perfect goddess curled in the basket by the door.
- Amentet — goddess of the dead
- Amun — god of winds or air
- Anhur — God of War
- Anhur — god of hunting and war
- Anubis — god of the dead and ruler of the underworld
- Anuket — goddess of the Nile River
- Apep — god of evil, darkness, and chaos
- Bastet — goddess of love, motherhood, beauty, fertility, cats, dance, music, and war
- Bennu — Egyptian deity of creation
- Dedun — god of incense
- Geb — god of the Earth
- Ha — god of the western deserts
- Hathor — goddess of the sky, women, fertility and love; daughter of Ra
- Heqet — goddess of childbirth and fertility in Ancient Egypt
- Hesat — ancient goddess in the form of a cow
- Horus — avian god, god of war, sky, and protection; son of Osiris
- Iah — god of the moon
- Isis — goddess of love, healing, fertility, rebirth, magic, and the moon.
- Kek — god of the darkness and chaos
- Keket —goddess of darkness
- Ma’at — goddess of truth, justice, and harmony
- Maahes — god of war and weather
- Maat — goddess of Order & Justice
- Mafdet — feline goddess
- Mau — a divine cat who is an aspect of the sun god Ra; the origin of cats on earth
- Menhit — goddess of war, takes the form of a lioness
- Merit —goddess of music, dancing, and rejoicing
- Mut —mother goddess
- Naunet — goddess of the ocean
- Nefertum — god of the lotus blossom and sweet smells
- Neith — goddess of creation, war, and hunting
- Nemty — god of ferrymen
- Nenet — divine
- Nut — goddess of the sky and heavens in ancient Egypt
- Osiris — god of the underworld
- Pakhet — lioness goddess of war; she who scratches
- Ptah — god of creator; husband of Sekhmet)
- Ra — sun god
- Renenutet — goddess of nourishment and the harvest
- Sekhmet — “powerful one,” lioness goddess of war and Ra’s daughter)
- Sepest — god who lives in a tree
- Seshat — goddess of written words)
- Seth — god of war, chaos, storms, and pestilence
- Sobek — crocodile god
- Thoth — god of magic, learning, and scribes, god of the moon
- Wadjet — cobra goddess
Historical, Geographical, or Descriptive Egyptian Cat Names
Many of the best Egyptian names, too, come from the landscape, the personalities, and the history of the Egyptian people.
- Abdallah — servant of god
- Abdelrahman — servent of the merciful
- Abydos — one of the oldest cities of ancient Egypt
- Ahmad — thankful one
- Aisha — peaceful
- Akil — smart
- Alaa — the graces of God
- Aladdin — Egyptian fencing master
- Alexandria — the second-largest city in Egypt
- Ali — champion
- Amal — hope
- Ammon — mystery
- Amr — to live a long time
- Angie — angel
- Apep — demon of chaos
- Asim — protector
- Aswan — a famous Nile river dam
- Aten — the Egyptian word for “sun disk”
- Aya — magical angel
- Ayman — righteous one
- Aziza — precious
- Berenice — Cleopatra’s sister
- Bubasti — city in Egypt)
- Cairo — the capital city of Egypt
- Chione — daughter of the Nile
- Dakarai — happy
- Damietta — the port city of the Nile Delta
- Doha — early morning prayer
- Ebonee — black
- Eslam — peace
- Farah — joy
- Gahji — hunter
- Gezira — an island in the Nile River in central Cairo
- Giza — city in Egypt
- Halima — gentle
- Hamada — nickname for Muhammad
- Hasina — good
- Heba — generous gift
- Heba — gift of God
- Husani — handsome boy
- Ialu — field of dreams
- Imhotep — an ancient Egyptian philosopher
- Ishaq — someone who laughs
- Jabari — brave
- Jana — to earn or reap
- Jomana — noble; small pearl
- Kahotep — peaceful
- Kamuzu — healer
- Karim — generous and honorable
- Kat — weight of measure
- Kemet — “Black Land,” an archaic nickname for Egypt
- Khafre — the human face on the Sphinx in Giza
- Khalid — immortal
- Kohl — black Egyptian eyeliner
- Kosey — lion
- Lapis — blue gemstone
- Lateef — gentle
- Layla — night
- Lotus — flower
- Luxor — city in Northern Egypt
- Maimonides — an Egyptian philosopher
- Mandisa — sweet
- Manetho — an ancient Egyptian priest
- Masud — good fortune
- Masudi — merry
- Mayar — reflection of a pretty woman
- Maye — beloved of Amun
- Mekal — fierce devourer
- Mesi — water
- Miro — beautiful male
- Mkhai — fighter
- Monifa — lucky
- Moses — Hebrew prophet
- Mosi — born first
- Msamaki — fish
- Mshai — wanderer
- Mustafa — one name for the prophet Muhammad
- Nada — generosity
- Nailah — successful
- Nanu — cute
- Nassor — victor
- Nefret — stunning
- Nephi — good son
- Nile — river in Egypt
- Nkosi — law
- Nomti — strong
- Nour — light or radiance
- Oni — wanted
- Onyx — black gemstone
- Panya — mouse
- Papyrus — Egyptian paper
- Ramesseum — the memorial temple of the pharaoh Ramesses
- Ramses — begotten by Ra, the sun god
- Rana — beautiful
- Raneem — beautiful melody
- Rosetta — the port city of the Nile Delta
- Sabola — pepper
- Safiya — pure
- Salma — peace
- Sanura — kitten
- Sefu — sword
- Shakir — grateful
- Sherif — noble
- Sinai — a peninsula in Egypt
- Sphinx or Sphynx—mythological creature with the body of a lion and head of a human
- Stela — stone slab between the paws of the Sphinx
- Tabby — traditional color pattern for all ancient Egyptian cats)
- Umayma — little mother
- Votive — word for “favor” at the temple of Bastet
- Yasmin — jasmine plant
- Youssef — god will increase
- Zahra — flower
- Zipporah — Moses’ wife