Your Heart Will Melt When You See This Tiny Kitten Snuggle with a Baby Chick
Have you been in need of something with “aww” factor? Look no further than the below video, which may feature the fluffiest kitten and puffiest chick ever! The adorable kitty looks to be in great need of some shuteye, while the chick curiously pokes about nearby. Then, the unimaginable happens when the chick insists on cuddling in with the sleepy cat – they both get cozy! Although this sweet moment doesn’t last forever, these two certainly got to share some feel-good vibes. Scroll on to see it for yourself!
Get Ready To “Aww”
Can Cats and Chickens Be Friends?
Although cats are certainly known for being carnivores, the true answer to this question might surprise you. Sure, the cuddly pair we see above are very young and might not be aware of the predator-prey relationship between them. But truly, plenty of cat owners have had success in introducing chickens to their feline friends. The key appears to be raising the animals together from a young age, for they are familiar with each other.
Careful supervision is necessary for this kind of mixed pet family, though. While foxes in the henhouse are trouble, nobody wants the family cat to steal any chicks! When in doubt, it’s likely best to consult an animal handler, veterinarian, or other professional for advice on how to proceed.
What Do Kittens Eat?
©Yelena Shander/iStock via Getty Images
Well, the best-behaved kittens certainly don’t eat chickens! Honestly, though, kittens require their mother’s milk and fresh water for around 8 weeks. Then, their diet gradually begins to resemble that of what adult cats enjoy eating. As obligate carnivores, all cats are required to base their nutrition on meat-based meals. That way, their growth and development get enriched with the proteins and other essentials not found in plant-based foods.
When in doubt about what to feed your feline companion, even if it’s a tiny snack, it’s always best to contact a pro. Either your family veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist should be more than happy to discuss safe foods for your furred friends.
For further ideas and safety guidelines on pet nutrition, we recommend checking out CDC’s pet food safety resources. Their guidelines include some possibly lesser-known hazards to watch out for, and are well worth a look!