Most Traveled Bridges in Ohio in Desperately Poor Condition

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 25, 2023

Bridges are key to providing connectivity to safely cross waterways, railways, roadways, and other obstacles. Many of these bridges that people cross every day, as one report shows, are structurally deficient. In Ohio, out of its 26,960 bridges, 1,251, or 4.6 percent, are classified as structurally deficient, according to a report by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA). To be structurally deficient, a key element of the bridge is either in poor or worse condition.

First, this article needs to define what “structurally deficient” means. Then it will review the current state of bridges in Ohio. Lastly, we list a chart of the top 10 bridges in Ohio that are the most high-traffic bridges and are also considered structurally deficient.

Most Traveled Bridges in Ohio in Desperately Poor Condition

While Ohio has some beautiful bridges, like the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge (above), it also has many in desperate need of repair.

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What Does Structurally Deficient Mean?

A bridge is structurally deficient when one of the key structural elements is rated in poor or worse condition, according to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Those elements are the deck, superstructure, substructure, and culverts. Inspectors rate conditions of bridge elements on a scale of 0 (failed condition) to 9 (excellent condition). The “Poor” condition has a rating of 4.

The FHWA supports the safety, stewardship, and oversight of bridges, tunnels, and other structures across the U.S. Under the Federal-Aid Highway Program, it distributes approximately $7 billion to assist transportation agencies.

State of Ohio’s Bridges

According to the FHWA’s 2023 National Bridge Inventory Data, Ohio identified 3,183 bridges in need of repairs. Many of these are in desperately poor condition.

In November 2021, President Joe Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) into law. IIJA is a long-term investment in the country’s infrastructure. From 2022 to 2026, it will provide a $550 billion investment in infrastructure.

Ohio will receive a total of $521.5 million in bridge formula funds. The state has access to $208.6 million and has committed $24.6 million toward 37 projects, as of June 2023.

Repairs in Ohio

Most Traveled Bridges in Ohio in Desperately Poor Condition

Ohio plans to repair, replace, or demolish at least 24 aging bridges.

©Eric Buermeyer/

In June 2023, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) announced that the ODOT will dedicate nearly $28 million to support local projects to repair, replace, or demolish 24 aging bridges in Ohio.

The state will pay for the replacement of 16 bridges, repair of four bridges, and demolition of four bridges through the Municipal Bridge Program. The ODOT said 20 bridges are considered safe for traffic, but improvements are necessary to ensure they do not become dangerous. The other four bridges that will be demolished haven’t been used for years.

“Providing this funding is another example of how the state can work to support our communities to ensure that local transportation infrastructure is safe for those traveling on our roads and bridges,” Gov. DeWine said.

Most Traveled, Structurally Deficient Bridges in Ohio

Below is the list of 10 bridges in Ohio that are the most traveled, and structurally deficient in the state. These bridges have more than 59,000 crossings daily. This makes it even more important to ensure they pose no danger to motorists.

CountyYear BuiltDaily CrossingsType of BridgeLocation
Cuyahoga1971142,337Urban InterstateIR 480 over Cr 8 (Lee Rd)
Cuyahoga1971106,617Urban InterstateIR 90 over Rocky River Valley
Hamilton196091,244Urban InterstateIR 75 over Tributary Mill Creek
Cuyahoga198077,220Urban InterstateRamp SW from I-71 over IR 480 Mainline
Cuyahoga198077,220Urban InterstateRamp Es from I-480 over IR 480 Mainline
Hamilton196567,075Urban InterstateNB IR 75 Over Mill Cr; Benson St;Nsrr;S
Franklin197561,022Urban InterstateI-70 over IR 70W over Scioto River
Cuyahoga196259,893Urban InterstateIR 77 over E 22 St
Cuyahoga196259,893Urban InterstateIR 77 over US-422 WB (Cuy-422-0125)
Cuyahoga196259,893Urban InterstateIR 77 over E 14th St

Interstate 480 Over County Road 8 (Lee Road)

This bridge tops the list at the most daily crossing with 142,337. It is located in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

The deck is in poor condition, with advanced section loss, deterioration, and spalling or scour. The ODOT recently announced it will replace the bridge deck on I-480 over Lee Road. Construction is expected to be completed in spring 2025, according to the ODOT.

Interstate 90 Over Rocky River Valley

This bridge, located in Cuyahoga County, was also built in 1971. Daily crossings stand at 106,617.

In 2020, the ODOT announced a $3 million repair project for the bridge. The proposed work includes steel repairs, patching, and repairs to the driving surface, along with the replacement of fencing along the bridge. It is currently in development.


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