See a Family of Black Bears Attempt to Break Into a Cabin
Many people fear running into black bears in the wild, but what about in your own home? Here, you can watch a family of black bears attempting to break into a cabin. The mama bear tried to enter High Haven Cabin in Gatlinburg in May of 2020, as they were just coming out of hibernation. Black bears often are attracted to touristy areas and homes because of food sources like scraps and waste.
In the video below, you can see the mama bear attempting (and achieving) to open the screen door of a cabin as her cubs play on the deck around her. While the bear couldn’t keep the door open or actually enter the home, it definitely had no trouble prying it open. This serves as a warning to homeowners not to rely on screen doors to keep out bears and other wildlife.
Watch the Footage
Can Bears Get Into Your Home?
If you don’t bearproof your home well enough, bears can break in. In fact, as seen in the video above, it’s easy for bears to open screen doors and enter houses at their leisure. If you live in an area where black bears are common, don’t rely on a flimsy door to keep you safe.
Some common ways to bearproof your home is to get rid of food sources like leftover scraps, garbage, compost, and even bird feeders. Also, be sure to lock all windows and doors, as bears are smart creatures that can often manage to access entryways.
Where Do Black Bears Live?
Black bears live all throughout North America, specifically northern Canada, throughout western and parts of the eastern USA, and down into northern Mexico. They mostly reside in forests and mountains, but some can even be found in hardwood swamps and tundras.
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Do Black Bears Attack Humans?
No, black bears do not typically attack humans. Generally, they’re not aggressive or territorial creatures. Even when defending their cubs, mama black bears aren’t as protective as grizzly bears. Attacks on humans are extremely rare, as they’re timid and more afraid of us than we are of them.