Watch This Lucky Leopard Find a Free Meal and Quickly Steal It Before Anyone Else Comes

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 26, 2023

When we think of luck, we typically imagine something like winning the lottery, getting that raise at work, winning a trip somewhere, or something else fantastic. Well, for animals in the wild, their luck is when they come across a free meal.

After all, if that predator doesn’t have to do any hunting, chasing, and killing, why wouldn’t they take it up? Well, we see one lucky leopard who caught sight of a free meal and decided to steal it before anyone else could come through. Click the video below to see what happens!

Watch This Incredible Video Shown Below!

Leopard Sighting in South Africa

The next YouTube short clip shown at the top of this blog post takes us to the Mala Mala Game Reserve in Southern Africa. The MalaMala Game Reserve YouTube page shared this video. This channel regularly posts videos of animals that are most common in Africa. Animals such as lions, elephants, rhinos, buffalos, and leopards, to list a few.

Leopard Steals Free Meal

Watch This Lucky Leopard Find a Free Meal and Quickly Steal It Before Anyone Else Comes

Leopards can weigh up to 200 pounds.

©Dmitri Gomon/

At the start of this video shown above, we are taken to the Sand River in Africa. We see there are vultures surrounding a dead animal. Clearly, this animal was hunted down and killed from the looks of it. This animal did not die of natural causes. From the remains, this looks to be an antelope, gazelle, or impala of some kind.

This leopard has smelled freshly killed blood, and he is in the mood for something free to eat. The leopard comes strutting past the tourist vehicle and heads straight for the kill. The vultures all disperse, and the leopard bends down to take this prey somewhere else. He is smart to do this because he knows there are others nearby who will want to steal this, too.

We see this leopard show incredible strength and drag this prey across the river. However, it is long before, in the distance, we see a pack of wild dogs come running down the hill. Either they were the ones who completed this kill and left it to finish later, or they smelled fresh blood too and wanted in on it.

What Do Leopards Eat?

Leopards (Panthera pardus) of the family Felidae live in rainforests, grasslands, and in mountain regions. Asia. In fact, the NIH (National Library of Medicine) states that leopards are the only big cats that are vastly distributed across both Africa and Asia.

Leopards are carnivorous eaters, which means that they eat meat. According to the African Wildlife Foundation, leopards will eat a variety of prey to whatever is available. They will hunt prey such as fish, reptiles, birds, hares, warthogs, antelope, and baboons.


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