Witness a Huge Great White Shark Turn Into a Playful Housecat as It Chases a Drone's Shadow Light a Laser
Playing with our cats with a laser pointer is one of the best pastimes to do with your pets. Watching them run all around the house chasing something that they can’t catch is just the laugh we typically need to get us through the day. Well, this great white shark turns into a playful shark and starts to chase a shadow. Don’t miss the action in the video below!
Watch This Amazing Video Shown Below!
Great White Shark Sighting in Southern California
This playful video shown at the top of this blog shares footage of a playful great white shark in Southern California. We say Southern California because the filmmaker and professional photographer who shot this footage is based out of Southern California.
His YouTube page to follow is the Malibu Artist. He shares mostly footage of great sharks that he sees. However, we also see footage of gray whales, sea turtles, and even grizzly bears.
Playful Great White Shark
This video starts out with a gorgeous ariel view of the ocean. The Malibu Artist was able to capture this footage from this angle because he used his drone to find a great white shark and then follow it. Rather quickly, he finds one, and the drone begins to follow it to see what it will do.
And while this shark doesn’t have good enough eyesight to see the drone in the sky up above, it does see the shadow of the drone underneath. According to Popular Science, “Despite their less-than-stellar vision and subpar spatial perception, great white sharks are highly visual creatures, and rely on motion and shadows when on the lookout for prey.”
So, it is no surprise that this great white shark caught the motion of this shadow to follow around. This great white shark quickly becomes like a playful housecat and follows this drone around like it’s a laser.
Is A Great White Shark a Predator or Scavenger?
A predator is one who will hunt other animals down, kill, and eat them. A scavenger is an animal who will search for already dead animals to eat. According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the great white shark is one of the apex predators of the waters.
The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is a carnivorous eater. They relentlessly prey on animals such as seals, sea lions, dolphins, and smaller whales. However, one thing that they cannot eat is shadows. So, unfortunately for this great white shark in the video posted above, this shadow was not the animal he thought it was.