The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 29, 2023

Endurance is the act of pushing through a difficult process, whether mental, physical, or otherwise. To endure is to bear a heavy burden without giving way. Those who endure have great strength and physical stamina, and it doesn’t just apply to humans. Animals, too, can have endurance, and many of them rely on it to survive. Whether they’re pulling a heavy load through snow-covered mountains or traveling thousands of miles during migration, animals show excellent mental and physical strength. Check out these top 10 animals with the absolute best endurance on the planet and discover why they need great physical stamina.

1. Wildebeest

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

Wildebeest require explosive power to evade hungry lions

©Danijel Mihajlovic, CC BY-SA 4.0 – License

Many things make the wildebeest one of the most capable and enduring animals on the planet. Newborn wildebeest calves can stand and walk a little less than seven minutes after being born, allowing them to completely keep up with their mothers within a couple of days. Adult wildebeests require great strength to evade hungry lions and feature explosive power when leaping away to safety and keeping with their herd. Blue wildebeests journey 500 to 1,000 miles around the Serengeti each year, with their groups stretching 25 miles long.

2. Ostrich

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

Ostriches can run 40 miles per hour

©JohnCarnemolla/iStock via Getty Images

While humans need at least two hours to complete the Olympic marathon, ostriches can do it in 40 minutes. Not only do ostriches have great endurance, they also have incredible speed. These giant birds can run more than 40 miles per hour, covering great distances in a short period. This allows them to easily find fresh grazing pastures or escape predators.

3. Arabian Horse

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

The Arabian horse are renowned for their stamina and endurance


Arabian horses have a light build and unique muscle fibers, which gives them an advantage over most other breeds. These horses don’t get overheated easily, and their muscles utilize oxygen more efficiently. Their special type of muscle fibers allow for fatigue resistance and high oxidative capacity. In other words, Arabian horses are renowned for their stamina and endurance. They excel at long-distance competitions and journeys.

4. Arctic Tern

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

Over the course of its life, the Arctic tern may fly up to 1.5 million miles for its migration.

© Warren

The Arctic tern is a fascinating creature that spends most of its life in the air, eternally chasing sunlight. In fact, this bird witnesses more sun than any other animal on Earth. Arctic terns have the longest migration in the world, covering more than 50,000 miles in one year. Check out this study on how susceptible migrating birds, like Arctic terns, are to changing Arctic climates.

5. Camel

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

Camels can travel through the desert for over 100 miles without water

©Occipitalis Creations/

As they walk long distances through hot, dry regions carrying heavy loads, camels persevere without food or water. Camels can travel 100 miles in the desert without water because of their highly specialized humps. A camel’s hump stored up to 80 pounds of fat, which it can break down into energy and water when needed.

6. Sled Dog

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

Sled dogs quickly move energy into their muscle cells


Could you run through the bitter cold across rough terrain while pulling heavy cargo? Then, could you do it every day for weeks on end? If you’re a sled dog, the answer is yes! These highly trained dogs, like huskies, laikas, and malamutes, are excellent at enduring tough conditions and can quickly move energy into their muscles much faster than humans can.

7. Wolf

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

Wolves can spend 10 hours a day trotting through the wilderness

©Vlada Cech/

Because wolves require nearly four pounds of meat per day at a minimum, they must spend most of their time hunting for food. Wolves can spend around 10 hours a day trotting through the wilderness looking for prey. It uses its powerful legs and back muscles to keep it moving even through harsh terrain.

8. Godwit

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

The bar-tailed godwit has the world’s longest non-stop migration. It is one of the top ten animals with the absolute best endurance on the planet

©Dave Montreuil/

The godwit bird is another extremely long migrator that features a specialized body to help it make the incredibly long journey. These birds can fly nonstop from Alaska to New Zealand, a route of nearly 7,000 miles. Godwits achieve this great feat because they can increase their muscle size, decrease the weight of unnecessary organs, and change their bodies to fat-based to store energy.

9. Pronghorn Antelope

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

Pronghorn antelopes can sprint more than 60 miles per hour

©Tom Reichner/

The pronghorn antelope is one of the fastest land animals on Earth. Not only can it sprint over 60 miles per hour, but it can also run at sustained speeds of 30 to 40 miles per hour over long distances. These antelopes have adapted to migrate and evade predators by having larger lungs and hearts compared to their body size.

10. Globe Skimmer

The Top 10 Animals with the Absolute Best Endurance on the Planet

Globe skimmers migrate over 4,300 miles

©Karyn Honor/

The globe skimmer is a species of dragonfly that makes an exceptionally unique and long journey. These insects migrate over 4,300 miles, more than the distance between Malaysia and New South Wales. Globe skimmers utilize the wind to carry them, often flapping twice and then gliding for long periods.

A Recap of the Top 10 Animals With the Absolute Best Endurance

NumberAnimals With the Best Endurance
#3Arabian horse
#4Arctic tern
#5Bactrian camel
#6Sled dog
#9Pronghorn antelope
#10Globe skimmer


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