Aries Sun vs Aries Moon: Understanding the Difference in Astrology
In astrology, your birth date, time, and location will all play a role in where your Sun and Moon sign are positioned. Your Sun and Moon signs are incredibly important in this esoteric practice, as they will determine huge facets of your personality. It is said that your Sun and Moon will greatly shape how you present yourself in the world and how you deal with your emotions. There are twelve different zodiac signs in which your Sun or Moon can be placed. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. As the first sign, it represents a lot of pioneering and independent energy that is needed to embark on new beginnings. However, have you ever wondered what the difference between an Aries Sun and an Aries Moon is? Below, we will discuss Aries Sun vs Aries Moon and how they are both different and similar.
So whether you’re an astrology devotee or simply curious about these two placements, join us as we interpret the subtle distinctions between these two.
Sun vs Moon Sign: What’s the Difference?
©Tanya Antusenok/
Each person is born with a unique natal chart. In a person’s natal chart, their Sun, Moon, and rising sign are three of the biggest contributing factors to their life. Additionally, the Sun and Moon are responsible for shaping a person’s character and emotional world. The Sun and Moon are considered personal planets, which means that they represent the most basic human natures. Our Sun represents the core of our identity whereas our Moon sign represents our inner emotional world.
The Sun is the outer expression of your individuality. It represents your ego and spirit. This is the energy that shines from us out into the world. In our chart, our Sun sign is the placement that we strive to embody and become. This is essentially our “adult” version of ourselves. Our Sun sign’s traits are the qualities that we “grow into” and influence our behaviors and actions. All of these come together to create our personality. On the other hand, your Moon sign represents your unconscious mind, your instincts, and your foundational customs. The Moon represents our emotions and our subconscious reactions toward life.
The Moon is intuitive, sentimental, introspective, and protective. Whereas the Sun is creative, energetic, and self-reliant. While many of us know our Sun sign, not all of us happen to know our Moon sign. However, both of these planets are important if you’re interested in understanding yourself on a deeper level.
Aries Sun Traits
Now that you have a better understanding of the difference between the Sun and Moon in astrology, let’s dive into the traits of an Aries Sun. As we mentioned above, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. As the first sign of the zodiac, those born under an Aries Sun love to be first in everything in life. They are extremely competitive and independent personalities. People with Sun in Aries are impulsive individuals who never shy away from a challenge. Many would describe them as being straightforward people with sincere motives and genuine intentions toward others.
The sign Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, which is aptly named after the Roman god of war. Mars is associated with representing ambition, aggression, passion, libido, and assertion. Aries Sun individuals unquestionably express many of these qualities as they make their way out in the world. They are often described as bold people who love starting new projects and hate sitting still for too long. The Sun is exalted in the sign of Aries, which means that the Sun can express itself well in this sign. This indicates that it amplifies all of the Sun sign qualities in the person. Thanks to the exaltation of the Sun, the Aries Sun person is going to be extremely confident and have immense willpower.
Overall, Aries Suns are happy, fearless, and action-oriented individuals who love to be on the move. They have a childlike innocence about them that makes them incredibly charming.
Aries Moon Traits
Your Moon sign represents your innate emotional state of being. The Moon symbolizes everything that is hidden from plain sight. Your Moon sign placement gives you insight into how you process your emotions and find comfort in this life. Individuals who have an Aries Moon sign placement will find that they process their emotions through fiery and instinctive reactions. Similar to an Aries Sun sign person, an Aries moon individual doesn’t hold back when they feel something. They are direct and impulsive individuals who will let you know if you’ve upset them or made them happy.
This Moon sign feels emotions powerfully since Aries is ruled by the passionate and spirited planet Mars. However, their powerful emotions and emotional outbursts are often short-lived as they tend to burn through feelings quickly. This is the kind of person who could be raging one minute and then perfectly calm the next. They simply need to let their intense emotions out the minute they feel them. However, these outbursts don’t last long.
This Moon sign also greatly values their independence. They are often the type of individual who will process their emotions and feelings alone. They enjoy their personal space and will often withdraw into their own world when they are feeling overwhelmed by their emotions. Overall, an Aries Moon sign is characterized by quick emotional reactions, assertive expression of feelings, and a preference for dealing with overwhelming emotions alone.
Aries Sun vs Aries Moon: Key Differences in Astrology
Although Aries Sun and Aries Moon are both passionate and confident placements, they do vary. This is due to the fact that the Sun and the Moon both portray different aspects of a person’s personality. Aries Sun is a conscious external projection of the traits of the Aries zodiac sign. Individuals born under this Sun sign are determined to be in a place of leadership and are naturally confident in everything. They want to leave a mark on the world and they are able to do so because of how bold and courageous they are. These individuals are happy when they can start new projects and are given an outlet where they can showcase their unique qualities and abilities.
In comparison, the Aries moon sign is more of a self-observing placement that deals with emotional reactions and processing of feelings. While the Aries Sun is our waking mind, the Aries Moon is our subconscious realm. Aries Moon possesses an intense emotional nature. These are folks who react to situations quickly and with passionate and fiery emotions. They are the type to experience their emotions quickly and make impulsive decisions based on them. Additionally, this is a natal chart placement that never hides what they’re feeling. They are incredibly direct with their feelings and what they want or need. These folks will let you know if you’re intruding on their personal space or if they want some company.
Overall, the biggest difference between these two placements is the outlet in which the Aries energy is allowed to emerge. With the Sun, this zodiac sign is able to externalize a lot of that raw passionate energy while the Moon sign will be more likely to self-reflect.
Aries Sun vs Aries Moon: Strengths and Weaknesses
When it comes to strengths and weaknesses, both Aries Suns and Aries Moons have unique characteristics that set them apart. Aries Sun folks are incredibly confident. They are in possession of an unbelievably strong and self-assured character that is reflected in all of their interactions. This personality is the quintessential leader who is bold and fearless enough to take charge and commit to their decisions — good or bad. An Aries Sun individual is often complimented as being fearless enough to tread where no one else would dare. They stand up for those they care about and are some of the most honest people.
As far as their negatives go, they have a tendency to be impatient. This leads them to make impulsive decisions that aren’t always well-thought-out. Additionally, they can be overbearing when they want something which can create problems in their personal relationships. Finally, because they believe in themselves so strongly, they often don’t see their own weak points and avoid taking good advice from others.
Similar to the Sun, an Aries Moon sign is also fearless, bold, determined, and pioneering but they express it all through the emotional lens. Aries Moon individuals are incredibly optimistic in their emotional nature. These folks carry with them an emotional intensity that simply can’t be matched by many other Moon signs. Since they are such passionate individuals, they are able to express their emotions quite freely. In relationships, this often proves to be an invaluable quality. However, this can also backfire, as their sometimes overwhelmingly intense emotions can cause them to hurt other’s feelings. Aries Moon is also the type of individual to resent holding grudges. They will easily forgive. However, this can also cause them to not fully deal with all of their emotions as they often see-saw through them quickly.