Lion Hilariously Gets Its Head Stuck in a Feeding Barrel Only for His Brothers to Chase Him Around
Few things could disturb a lion. They are fierce enough to fight great predators such as tigers, hyena groups, and even hippos on occasion. However, a head stuck in a barrel is enough to make a lion go stir-crazy. Check out the video below!
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Lions Sighting in the Netherlands
The next YouTube video posted at the top of this blog post takes us to the Netherlands in Western Europe. This video was shared by the Never Mind Your Own YouTube page. This channel shares a variety of videos of crazy adventures and animals. They share a short description of the events in the video below.
“Three brother lions are being fed in a Zoo near Eindhoven, Netherlands. To make feeding a bit more attractive for them, they put the meat in a barrel. They have to get the meat out. Instead one of them puts its head in and gets stuck. Probably because the hole got bigger over time.
A veterinarian came after closing time, shot the lion to sleep and cut it free. He had no injuries but was happy to be free again. The zoo said they will not use the barrels anymore.”
Lion Vs. Barrel
At the start of this video posted at the top of this blog post, we see three adult male lions in this zoo enclosure. There is a plastic barrel that is their center of attention. They all start to assume there is something good inside, and so we see them start to dig their heads and claw their way inside. One lion takes the lead and is able to get its head inside to get whatever good he can find. However, he doesn’t find any food but rather just finds himself getting stuck inside.
The lion quickly starts to panic, and we see him running around and flailing his legs and head. He is trying anything to get it off. At first, the other two lions follow him and try to help him figure out how to get this off. But then, at 35 seconds, we can see the other lions quickly losing interest. This is his problem now.
How Much Do Lions Eat in a Day?
©Richard Damian Knight/
Lions (Panthera leo) of the family Felidae are large felines that are carnivorous eaters. They will prey on animals such as antelope, warthog, zebra, buffalo, gazelle, and even giraffe. Male lions are larger than their females. The male lion can weigh up to 550 pounds, while the female lion is typically in the 200-pound range, although they can weigh more.
The male lion can eat up to 43 kilograms (95 pounds) of meat in a day, and females about 25 kilograms (55 pounds). However, this is not the norm. On a typical day, they only eat about 8-9 kilograms (18-19 pounds).