Watch 20 Lions Try To Take Down This Massive Buffalo

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 29, 2023

Watching a predatorial hunt taking down prey is perhaps one of the most incredible sights we can see in Africa. There is a precision and fierceness that is unmatched.

A lot of predators in the wild are lone hunters predators, like leopards, cheetahs, and bobcats. However, what might top this is watching an entire pride of lions working together. There is something spectacular in watching a group of predators being in sync during a hunt. Let’s watch this happen below!

Watch This Thrilling Video Below!

Lion Pride and Buffalo Sighting in Africa

This video, shown at the top of this blog post, takes us to Africa. The Incredible Wild Animal Sightings YouTube page that caught wind of this video shares its explanation of what happened.

“The lions pride hunting alone buffalo in the field and lions pride to attacking so strong and powerful to take down the buffalo but the buffalo trying to fight against the lions pride and this situation buffalo can’t win over this so much lions attack and it’s nature to see this moment in wild animals living in jungle.”

Lion Pride Hunting Lone Buffalo

At the start of the video, we see a vicious hunt is already in the works. A buffalo found themselves alone and without the protection of their herd. Each of these lions knows better than to try and take a buffalo down on their own. But things have changed because the entire lion pride is going on this hunt. And their confidence has grown just as big as the buffalo they are trying to take down.

All 20 lions in this pride surround this buffalo, and we see them taking turns one by one to jump on this buffalo and attempt to take it down. We are astounded at the strength of this buffalo to remain upright as long as possible in the face of great threat. So, just how strong are buffalos?

How Strong Are Buffalos?

Watch 20 Lions Try To Take Down This Massive Buffalo

Buffalo can run over 20 miles per hour at full speed.

©Karel Gallas/

The buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is also often referred to as the African buffalo. To understand just how strong they are, we need to have an understanding of how big these mammals are. Weighing between 1,320-2,000 pounds (600-900 kilograms), buffalos are a sizeable force for any animal to attempt to take down.

In addition to the strength of their bodily weight, the African buffalo also uses the strength of the horns that are on their heads. Their horns are curved on their head and can reach lengths of 160 centimeters (63 inches) in length. These horns are made for fighting, and getting rammed by one of them can result in the fatality of the predator bold enough to take on a buffalo alone.

There are even some who believe that buffalo are four times stronger than that of an ox. As we can see, this buffalo was built to withstand predators. And they are only in danger should there be multiple animals like this pride of lions taking one down.


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