Baltic Sea Anomaly: Is There Really a UFO at the Bottom of the Sea?
There are many mysterious things in, on, and about our world. As technology improves we discover new mysteries, and old ones are solved. Our imagination tends to lead us to fantastic conclusions whenever we find something we can’t explain at first. This is the case with the Baltic Sea anomaly.
What’s The Story Behind The Baltic Sea Anomaly?
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The Baltic Sea anomaly was first discovered in June 2011 by a Swedish diving team, Ocean X. Members of the team Peter Lindberg and Dennis Åberg took the first photos of the anomaly. They were hunting for treasure in an old shipwreck at the time when their sonar equipment picked up something “blurry and interesting” that looked unnatural, or manmade on the ocean floor. Being treasure hunters (and curious human beings) they wanted a closer look. They reported that the object they found was a circular object about 200 feet in diameter. They assumed it was man-made based on its initial appearance.
Ocean X returned to the anomaly the following year to get more detailed sonar scans. They also collected samples of the object. Stories about the discovery spread quickly after being published in the Daily Mail and other news organizations.
In initial interviews with NBC, one of the team leads commented how it looked like an ancient human structure. He said that if it was man-made, it must have been built tens of thousands of years ago, before the Ice Age. This would be before the oceans had risen enough to cover it. He admitted it could be a natural formation. But the idea of ancient man-made structures on the ocean floor had already caught everyone’s attention.
The beginning of alternative theories
Ocean X has returned to the object a number of times. They maintain that the object is not a natural formation. In fact, one member of the Ocean X team said that their electrical equipment (radios and phones) stopped working when they approached the object. Once they left the area, their equipment suddenly began working again.
Aided by unfounded speculation in news stories and online tabloids, more fanciful theories have grown about the anomaly. Some of the most interesting say that the object is a UFO of some kind or an object built by extraterrestrials that was lost in the ocean. Images of the anomaly that have been altered have added to these theories. Images created at home to make the object look more artificial than it is continue to make the rounds online, even in articles that debunk the UFO theory.
What is The Baltic Sea Anomaly?
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Geologists and other scientists have analyzed samples brought back from the Baltic Sea anomaly. According to their research, the object is made of sandstone, gneisses, basalt, and granites. While these types of rock were unexpected in this part of the ocean, they are not uncommon. Glacial activity in this part of the world has moved millions of tons of rocks from their original locations to the ocean floor.
The Baltic Sea Anomaly rests at the end of a feature that looks like a runway, or an impact crater. However, scientists concluded that this runway is also the result of glacial activity. Glaciers will carve deep fissures in rock as they move. These lines in the rock are common in this part of the world.
The region in and around the Baltic Sea has a long history of glacial activity. The general academic consensus is that glaciers pushed and deposited the anomaly where it is today. These glaciers would have also created the deep grooves and lines on the rocky face. Its circular shape is simply a happy coincidence. Out of the billions of rocks moved and carved by glacial activity, one is bound to look like a UFO.
Alternative theories
These results largely rule out any option that the object was built by extraterrestrials. It does not show signs that it was able to fly or move in any way. Yet, members of Ocean X have said that they believe the stone might be covering up something artificial beneath. They are trying to acquire funding to return to the anomaly and take samples from deeper within the object.
However, the fact it is made of stone did not immediately disqualify the theories that it is a man-made construction. According to supporters of these theories, the anomaly could still be the remains of a lost civilization, an ancient totem, an altar, or a navigational marker. Most academics conclude that the issue is settled. Yet, many people continue to search for evidence to reveal the purpose and man-made origin of the object.
One of the latest videos, from 2012, of the anomaly hasn’t helped resolve the discussion. Footage from the video appears to show the sides of the object and it appears unusually smooth and polished. There is a lot of dust and debris in the water. So it was hard to make out much of the object as a whole.
But What Caused The Electrical Malfunctions?
Aside from natural processes, one of the most interesting theories about the object and its origin involves, surprisingly, World War II Nazis.
During the Second World War, the Baltic Sea was heavily contested between Nazi Germany and the Allied Powers. Allied forces continually tried to blockade the European continent so Germany couldn’t receive vital iron ore shipments from Sweden and beyond. Germany had no other connection to the sea that couldn’t be easily attacked by the Allies. So, they defended the Baltic Sea ferociously. It is not known exactly how many sea mines were deployed in the area during World War II. It is easily many thousands. However, some people believe that the Germans, known for their zeal in creating and testing new technology, built underwater structures and deployed experimental devices to disrupt Allied communications and scramble radio signals. Some believe the Baltic Sea Anomaly might be a remnant of these defensive measures. It would certainly explain why it affects electronic and radio signals.
Additionally, there are many reports of Allied World War II fighter pilots seeing and documenting UFOs while flying missions over Europe. They dubbed these objects foo fighters. There were dozens of sightings by both American and British pilots. There is some evidence that Nazi scientists were working hard to develop advanced war technology. (In fact, they were among the first to build and deploy long-distance missiles and jet fighters). Among the believed technologies they were working on were UFO-like aircraft. The sightings of foo fighters seem to corroborate this theory. If the Baltic Sea Anomaly can be analyzed better, some believe that it will confirm that the Nazis had successfully built and flown an advanced saucer aircraft.
The Baltic Sea is deep, dark, and extremely cold. Any expedition that seeks to analyze or study the Baltic Sea Anomaly needs specialized equipment. They also need experienced people and a lot of money. It is safe to say that unless some new development motivates larger institutions to invest in its study, its secrets might remain hidden for many years to come.
In the end, the Baltic Sea anomaly could be a mystery that is never solved. Like other mysterious objects all around the world, there will always be questions and doubts about where it came from or what it really is. Whether it is simply an interesting rock, a Nazi fighter, or an extraterrestrial UFO that crash-landed in the ocean, it will continue to inspire divers, historians, military analysts, conspiracy theorists, geologists, and archaeologists. Maybe one day they will uncover the truth.