5 Reasons Hawaii Offers the Best Deer Hunting in the Country
It might be the last place you’d think of to go deer hunting, but Hawaii is one of the best locations to hunt in the United States. With breathtaking views, beautiful weather, and a rich hunting history, it’s a memorable way to experience the local landscape. Hunting deer in Hawaii also helps conserve island habitat.
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1. Exotic location
You can’t beat hunting in Hawaii when it comes to interesting, exotic locales. With lush tropical jungles and arid grasslands, hunting for deer in Hawaii’s diverse habitat is unique. It’s more like a safari than a big mountain hunt, with incredible views of the ocean and beach around every corner.
One of the best Hawaiian islands for hunting is Lanai. With just over 3,000 residents, the island is still quite rural. Hunting on Lanai feels remote, which is part of its appeal. It’s also a large part of the local heritage, as a Hawaiian tradition of living sustainably.
Hawaii imports over 85% of its food, and deer hunting offers a source of food for residents. If you’re visiting Lanai, you can also hunt on the island with a permit obtained from a lottery system.
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2. Axis deer
The predominant deer species found in Hawaii is the axis deer. They are not native to the islands, having been brought to the area as a gift to King Kamehameha V in the 1860s. The deer were first released on the island of Molokai and then introduced to other islands later on.
Light tan in color with a beautiful assortment of dappled spots, axis deer are known to be especially tasty. So delicious in fact, that even those who don’t prefer the taste of venison tend to enjoy its rich, earthy flavor.
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3. Conservation
With no natural predators, deer populations on the islands continue to grow every year. They erode natural areas, destroying vegetation and stripping bark from trees. Controlling the population through hunting is essential to maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Local landowners also welcome hunting since invasive species hurt their crops.
You can find axis deer on the islands of Maui, Lanai, and Molokai. There are also blacktail deer on Kauai. Depending on the area, you can hunt on public land or get permission to hunt on private land. Either way, it’s important to check game and fish regulations and have a hunting license.
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4. Year-round hunting
Feeling that off-season itch? Scratch it with a quick trip to Hawaii. Depending on the island, the deer hunting season is open year-round. You can plan a vacation in the deepest part of winter and bring home enough meat to fill your freezer.
Be extra careful to take note if there are any specified days for hunting in some regions. Rules may vary for hunting on certain days, like weekends and holidays. In some areas where populations have grown considerably, there is no limit to how many deer you can take home.
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5. The whole hunting package
Hawaii is one of the best places to hunt for deer, but you can also hunt for a variety of other species as well. Along with controlling the deer population, hunters also help curb the overgrowth of feral pigs, goats, and wild sheep numbers.
But there is even more to hunt than hoofed animals. Don’t forget the entire ocean is right there, with spearfishing and deep ocean fishing opportunities. You can hunt for axis deer in the morning, spearfish for snappers in the afternoon, and feral pigs in the evening. And if that’s too much hunting, you can go snorkeling, surfing, or relax and enjoy the amazing scenery.
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