Brave Zebra Decides to Make the First Move In a River Crossing, But It Proves to Be Its Last Move

Source:AZ Animals Time:12/10/2023

Being at the head of a herd can be very hazardous! In this clip, we see a herd of zebra waiting to cross a river. The problem is that the river is inhabited by several large crocodiles. Nevertheless, one brave individual decides to go for it! It makes its way past two crocodiles that we can see just above the surface of the water. Sadly, it’s the croc that none of us can see that causes the issue! It is lurking in the murky depths and launches a ferocious attack.

Initially the reptile struggles to drag the prey under the water by itself but help is on the way. At least four or five crocs arrive to assist. With this many predators trying to drag it under the water, the zebra doesn’t stand a chance. All that the other zebras can do is watch on as their friend is dragged under the surface.

How Do Crocodiles Normally Hunt?

Brave Zebra Decides to Make the First Move In a River Crossing, But It Proves to Be Its Last Move

Crocodiles hide in muddy water and then lunge at their prey.

©Sagar Smooth Photography/

These crocodiles are probably Nile crocodiles which are large and ferocious predators. Adult Nile crocodiles will feed on just about anything that moves. That includes impalas, water bucks, giraffes, and zebras. Their typical technique is to hide under the water until the prey gets close to them. Then, they launch an attack by lunging towards the prey and grasping it in their powerful jaws. An adult crocodile can lunge several times its own body length.

The prey is killed by dragging it under the water and drowning it. Crocodiles cannot chew and therefore need to rip bits off the prey before swallowing them. To do this, they grab hold of the prey animal and then rotate it rapidly so that bits are torn off. These crocodiles are clearly cooperating in order to subdue the zebra. Cooperative predation has been seen amongst crocodiles. It allows them to tackle larger prey such as zebras.

How Do Zebras Normally Defend Themselves?

Zebras rely on their stripes to protect themselves from many predators. When they are grouped together, it makes it hard for a predator to pick one out. All of those stripes moving around the place can dazzle a predator and make them quite confused! The mistake that the zebra in this clip made was to go it alone. Zebras also gain protection from being part of a herd. There is always safety in numbers. Finally, zebras have a hefty kick and are quite happy to bite when they feel threatened.

See the Incredible Clip Below


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