Watch This Protective Dog Come to the Rescue of a Chicken Being Attacked by a Falcon
Key Points:
- Falcons are known as the flying terrors in the sky because of their strength and the speed they can reach.
- This article covers up-close video footage of a Peregrine Falcon swooping down to capture a chicken as its next meal.
- Shiba Inus have great prey instincts and sharp alertness.
Shiba Inus and Peregrine Falcons are two types of animals that are great hunters with sharp instincts. It is interesting to see in this video how the two interact without really coming in contact with each other. As a predator animal, falcons are quick creatures, making them the flying terrors of the sky. They prey on animals as small as a lizard or equal to the same size as them. However, in this video, the falcon knew he could not out-fight multiple Shiba Inus and was not fast enough!
Peregrine Falcon
Falcons are considered the top gun predators in the sky, and rightfully so. This medium-sized bird can reach a little over 240 miles per hour in speed! This bird typically lives in open habitat areas such as the country or cities. You may see them perched on cliffs, keeping a lookout for their next meal. Like Shiba Inus, Falcons were used for hunting during the Middle Ages and Renaissance era. This predator’s vision has been said to be eight times better than humans. They can spot their prey two miles away and then swoop down for the kill. Falcons use their sharp, long talons to injure and carry their prey off the ground. Their long, strong beaks can easily snap the neck of their prey.
©emranashraf/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images
Shiba Inu
Shiba Inus and Peregrine Falcons are two types of animals that are great hunters with sharp instincts. It is interesting to see in this video how the two interact without really coming in contact with each other. As a predator animal, falcons are quick creatures, making them the flying terrors of the sky. They prey on animals as small as a lizard or equal to the same size as them. However, in this video, the falcon knew he could not out-fight multiple Shiba Inus and was not fast enough!
©chendongshan/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images
See The Video For Yourself!
In the video, the owner clearly has multiple Shiba Inus to protect their livestock. As an owner of chickens, it is essential to know that they are easy prey animals. Whether you live in the city or the country, it is a good idea to have some type of protection for these tiny creatures. Although the falcon is brave and fierce, it knows it wouldn’t stand a chance against a pack of Shiba Inus. The chicken showed distress and knew the Shiba would come to its rescue; however, understanding this breed’s alertness, I’m sure the Shiba Inus spotted the falcon in the sky.