15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Source:AZ Animals Time:November 2, 2023

Flowers can mean so many different things. From an expression of love or celebration to sympathy, flowers really can encompass it all. Did you know a bouquet has more meaning than just its physical beauty? That’s right, certain flowers mean different things. Certain colors are used to express sympathy, certain varieties show love, and so on. Have you ever had a big fight and felt like you wanted to express your apologies? What about expressing forgiveness for someone or something? If yes, you’re in luck because this article will tackle the 15 flowers that symbolize forgiveness. Let’s dive in.

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not always something that people give easily. While sending a bouquet as an act of love or even an apology can be easy, granting forgiveness can be tough. Forgiveness is a release, letting go of all resentment and vengeful feelings. Forgiveness is about finding peace. So whether you need to forgive yourself or another person, these 15 flowers are the flowers for the job!

1. Aster

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

According to Greek mythology, the tears of the goddess Astraea that fell to the earth transformed into aster flowers.

©Jerrold James Griffith/Shutterstock.com

Aster flowers are a great way to ask for forgiveness for small arguments from friends and relatives. According to Greek mythology, the goddess Astraea was sad because there were not enough stars in the night sky. She cried from this sadness, and as her tears fell to the earth, they transformed into the asters. That is the legend that describes why these flowers have their star shapes. While all of the different colors have slightly different meanings, such as wisdom for purple or purity for white, you can use these flowers as an attempt to make amends.

Red and pink asters showcase devotion; you can channel that devotion into being devoted to making amends for any wrongdoing. People often associate these flowers with patience, which is another virtue you will need to grant forgiveness.

2. Bleeding Heart

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

The bleeding heart is a flower that symbolizes forgiveness because of its connection to love and heartbreak.

©Diana Hlachova/Shutterstock.com

The shape of this flower and its name are often what ties it to forgiveness. Forgiveness is an act that comes from the heart, and because these flowers have a heart shape, people often associate them with forgiveness. Legend says that this flower grew from a story of unrequited love. This unrequited love lead to heartbreak and the death of one of the parties involved. Legends say that is why the shape is of a heart, and the small hanging underneath represents a droplet of blood from where the knife pierced the heart.

Because of its connection to love and the story, the bleeding heart is a common choice for seeking forgiveness in romantic relationships. Many cultures see it as a symbol of love and forgiveness, so it is the perfect flower to showcase that you can heal and move forward even after heartbreak.

3. Carnations

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Carnations are often used to represent love and good fortune, but can also symbolize forgiveness.


Although people often use carnations to represent love and good fortune, you do not always need to use them in romantic settings. Carnations are a great flower if you are seeking forgiveness, particularly among good friends. Pink carnations, in particular, symbolize that you appreciate someone and will never forget them. If someone in your life means a lot, and you are seeking forgiveness from them, a bouquet of pink carnations may be just the thing they need. Keep in mind that there are various shades of pink carnations, and each has a slightly different meaning. The second lightest shade of pink is the best shade to ask for forgiveness because that shade symbolizes how much someone means to you.

4. Daffodil

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Daffodils are a common flower choice for helping someone get through a difficult situation and ask for forgiveness.

©Walter Erhardt/Shutterstock.com

One of the most well-known flowers that symbolize forgiveness is the daffodil. While this flower seems to have a cheery disposition and sunny coloring, it does not just signify one sort of occasion. As one of the first flowers to appear during the springtime, the daffodil is linked to new beginnings and forgiveness of others. It symbolizes how even after a long, hard winter — or a difficult fight — you can once again bloom and thrive. Daffodils are a common flower choice for helping someone get through a difficult situation and ask for forgiveness and a chance at a new beginning. One thing to remember: if you send daffodils as a sign of forgiveness, be sure to send an entire bouquet. Some traditions and cultures see sending a single daffodil as bad luck that will wield negative outcomes.

5. Gardenia

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Many religious beliefs connect gardenias to awakening consciousness and obtaining inner peace.


The gardenia is a beautiful flower with a strong aroma. Their beauty makes them a common choice for professions of love and affection; however, that is not their only symbolic significance. Gardenias also represent regeneration and new beginnings. Additionally, they have been linked to family and children. This idea of family, tight bonds, and new beginnings all make them a great choice for floral representation of forgiveness.

Many religious beliefs connect gardenias to awakening consciousness and obtaining inner peace. Some people and cultures even believe that it has a beneficial effect on the mind and body by lowering tension. Seeking and granting forgiveness helps relieve tension in the mind, body, and spirit, and it allows you to have a clean slate with yourself and another person. All of that brings inner peace, so gardenias are an excellent choice and are definitely a flower that symbolizes forgiveness.

6. Hyacinth

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

People often give the purple hyacinth flower as an apology from someone seeking forgiveness, mercy, and support for a mistake they made.

©Sergey V Kalyakin/Shutterstock.com

The Hyacinth is another flower that symbolizes forgiveness. In particular, the purple hyacinth flower. The hyacinth flower has a deep-rooted history in Greek culture. People believe that the Greek god Apollo created this flower in remembrance of his lost lover. His lover’s accidental death at his hand caused Apollo to create this flower to always remember his lover and to seek forgiveness for the distraught he felt over what had happened. While different cultures attach different symbolism to this flower, and adjust certain meanings, the theme of forgiveness remains the same. Today, people often give the purple hyacinth flower as an apology from someone seeking forgiveness, mercy, and support for a mistake they made.

7. Jasmine

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

With their beauty and appealing scents, jasmine flowers hold various symbolic importance across various cultures.

©Shaikh Kamal Uddin Khalid/Shutterstock.com

Jasmine flowers are an increasingly popular flower. The fragrance that these flowers emit has captivated people for years. With their beauty and appealing scents, this flower also holds various symbolic importance across various cultures. One of the symbolic meanings of this flower is forgiveness. Jasmine flowers are often used as an olive branch in times of misunderstanding. Because of its connection to the idea of purity, it is a great choice for a forgiveness or apology flower, as it shows your sincerity in reaching out.

Additionally, Jasmine is also associated with new beginnings. It represents hope and optimism about the new things ahead. These messages can be tied to forgiveness as well. The giver is hopeful that this gesture will make amends and will be able to turn a new page and start fresh with this person.

8. Orchids

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Pink orchids, in particular, have a connection to grace and forgiveness.


Orchids are often known for being difficult flowers. They have a unique growing pattern and require much more intensive care than other flowers. That extra sense of care they require is one of the reasons that they are associated with forgiveness. Taking care of an orchid requires extra care, attention, and patience to get it right. Similarly, asking for and granting forgiveness also requires all of those things. You have to pay attention to the details when asking for forgiveness, care for the person you are trying to make amends with, and have patience in receiving that forgiveness.

Although they are difficult to upkeep, orchids are resilient flowers and can come back from even the worst care. That resilience is also connected to the idea of forgiveness. It symbolizes that even through the worst circumstances, you and the relationship with that person can weather any storm. Pink orchids, in particular, have a connection to grace and forgiveness. If you are looking to make amends, orchids are an incredible choice.

9. Roses

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

During the Victorian era, people used yellow roses to symbolize jealousy. Today, yellow roses represent cherished friendships and are often given to ask for forgiveness.


Although roses are commonly associated with love, different colored roses convey various symbolic meanings. For instance, pink and red roses typically signify lust, love, and romance. However, yellow roses are tied to forgiveness. During the Victorian era, the yellow rose symbolized jealousy and was a humiliating thing to receive. The meaning of the flower has since shifted. Today, yellow roses symbolize cherished friendships and can also be used to ask for forgiveness. If there is someone in your life that you cherish, and you feel that you owe them an apology, try sending them a bouquet of yellow roses.

Similarly, white roses can also be given. While white roses have a variety of meanings, ranging from purity, peace, and unity, they are also used to symbolize new beginnings. If you are trying to make amends with someone, forget the past, ask for forgiveness, and start fresh, then a bouquet of white roses may be the perfect way to do so.

10. Sunflowers

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

The sun is seen as a symbol of truth and honesty, so sunflowers symbolize the same.


Sunflowers are a great choice if you are looking to make a more light-hearted apology. These flowers are known for immediately putting smiles on people’s faces because of their cheery appearance and connection to the sun. As the sun warms the planet, the sunflower can warm a room with its beautiful radiance. How are sunflowers tied to forgiveness? Well, they represent a lot more than happiness. One thing sunflowers represent is honesty. The sun is seen as a symbol of truth and honesty; therefore, the sunflower, being connected to them, signifies the same. When you are seeking forgiveness or granting it, it is a very vulnerable moment in which honesty needs to be present.

In different cultures, this flower also represents peace and healing. Both of which need to occur in order for forgiveness to occur. Deliver the sunflower as a peace offering, and allow the flower to help with the healing and mending of the relationship and wrongdoings. While it may appear a bit more chipper than some of the other more “serious” flowers on the list, the sunflower is still a wonderful choice to show or ask for forgiveness.

11. Sweet Pea

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Sweet pea flowers symbolize forgiveness because they are connected with themes of kindness and gentleness.

©Tony Baggett/Shutterstock.com

The name in itself makes a person feel sweet and forgiving. Sweet peas have a sweet fragrance to them and are often tied to the idea of gentle and kind souls. The scent of this flower brings peace and calmness, which would help someone to feel calm and in a more forgiving mood. Granting forgiveness to someone requires you to be kind, gentle, and understanding. Seeing as the sweet pea is connected with many of these themes, it is no wonder that it is a flower that symbolizes forgiveness.

Additionally, sweet pea is often used in religious ceremonies to represent the act of repentance. The sweet pea is a flower that reminds us all that a gentle and kind demeanor can go a long way and that the world would be a much sweeter place if we learned to let bygones be bygones and forgive one another.

12. Violets

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Violets derive their tie to forgiveness from Greek mythology.

©Lapa Smile/Shutterstock.com

Similar to hyacinths, violets derive their tie to forgiveness from Greek mythology. According to Greek mythology, Zeus used violets to seek forgiveness from his jealous wife after she found out that he had been unfaithful. Since then, violets have been used to help calm anger. Violets have a very pleasant smell and are used in many perfumes. They have a soft, sweet, and floral smell. This flower is so closely connected to forgiveness that there is even a famous quote by Mark Twain that discusses it. Twain says, “ Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” So the next time you need to ask for forgiveness, consider doing it with violets.

13. White Lily

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

The white lily is often connected to the Virign Mary and her well-known forgiveness.

©iStock.com/Mariia Romanyk

Like many other white flowers, the white lily is connected to purity and innocence. However, the white lily also represents forgiveness. The white lily is often tied to the Virgin Mary. The Virign Mary is known as the “Mother of Mercy” and is well-known for her forgiveness; this flower holds the same spiritual significance. In the Christian faith, the lily is often symbolic of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. He was able to forgive those who killed him and offer forgiveness to all.

Due to its association with him and his mother, the white lily is a common choice of flower to represent forgiveness. Additionally, the scent of lilies is soothing and is said to offer peace and forgiveness to those nearby, particularly those who are suffering the loss of a loved one. The white lily can still represent forgiveness for those who are not religious. The color of it, the pureness of it, can represent a clean start and a great first step in making amends.

14. White Poppy

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

This flower can convey grief and remorse for the choices you made.

©Ole Schoener/Shutterstock.com

The white poppy is a great flower choice to symbolize forgiveness. Known to symbolize purity and innocence, this flower also conveys grief and remorse for the choices you made. This flower can help express sympathy for actions that you have done. Poppies have also been tied to rebirth, and asking for forgiveness can be the first step in a sort of “rebirth” for a relationship, whether it is romantic or a friendship. The white poppy’s focus on peace can also be tied to forgiveness, showing that by sending them, you are asking for peace between you and the recipient.

15. White Tulip

15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

The color white has often been tied to purity and innocence, making white flowers a popular flowers to symbolize forgiveness.

©Ole Schoener/Shutterstock.com

White tulips are a common choice of flower for symbolizing forgiveness. Many people use the white tulip to say “I’m sorry,” as the color white has often been associated with purity and innocence. This message of purity and seeking forgiveness started in the Victorian era and continues today. The white tulip holds significance in many cultures, and while it has many meanings in various cultures, the theme of hope and renewal seems unanimous. Hope and renewal tie into forgiveness because if you seek forgiveness, you are trying to make amends and hoping for reconciliation. If you are the one granting the forgiveness, receiving these flowers being given to you represent the giver’s regret and hope that they can make amends.

Summary of 15 Gorgeous Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Here is a quick recap of the 15 flowers that symbolize forgiveness. Skim through the table below to see which flower would work best for your needs.

1AsterRed and pink asters show devotion, which is a good choice if you want to show devotion to your apology.
2Bleeding HeartDue to its connection to love and heartbreak, this is a common choice when seeking forgiveness in romantic relationships.
3CarnationParticualary good choice if you are seeking forgiveness from a close friend.
4DaffodilRepresents a fresh start and new beginnings as one of the first springtime flowers.
5GardeniaRepresent regeneration and new beginnings and/or awakening consciousness and inner peace.
6HyacinthPurple hyacinths are often used as an apology or seeking mercy for a mistake.
7JasmineUsed as an olive branch during misunderstandings.
8OrchidsKnown as difficult flowers, their resilience connects them to the resilience needed to forgive and heal.
9RosesYellow roses are now closely connected to forgiveness.
10SunflowerA more playful apology focuses on honesty and healing.
11Sweet PeaA sweet, fragrant flower that is connected to the idea of being kind, gentle, and forgiving.
12VioletsAccording to Greek mythology, Zeus used this flower to apologize to Hera.
13White LilyOften tied to the Virgin Mary and to Jesus and their ability to forgive.
14White PoppyA great choice for expressing sympathy and remorse over choices made.
15White TulipA message of purity and forgiveness-seeking started in the Victorian era and continues today.


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