8 Baffling Pets That Are Actually Legal to Own in Montana
Most people opt to own a dog or a cat when considering getting a pet. Yet, some states allow different pets, which is not the norm. There are some areas where you can own an exotic bet. Yes, you can own a pet that some consider “dangerous” or “exotic.”
If you live in Montana, there are a lot of animals you are not allowed to own, such as an alligator or a kangaroo. Yet, other dangerous wild animals are completely legal to own in Montana, albeit with a certified proper permit.
We are here to present you with the seven baffling pets that are actually legal to own in Montana while showing you how to do it. Additionally, we will do a small profile on these animals to highlight how dangerous they can be.
8. Bobcat
A bobcat may look like a cute animal you want to hold and cuddle. But beware, bobcats can be dangerous and grow twice as large as a normal house cat. While they rarely attack humans, they can still be dangerous animals and even use urine to mark their territory.
You can legally own a bobcat in Montana, according to the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Ultimately, you need to fill out a fur farm license. What this does is allow you to carry a bobcat that is from a private citizen through a sale. This means you cannot catch a bobcat in the wild and keep it as a pet. The application fee is $25, and you must undergo an environmental assessment and a full inspection of your property before being legally allowed to keep the bobcat.
7. Fox
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A fox is a predatory animal and is unlikely to attack humans. Regardless, they are wild animals and usually will not be a pet. Montana has a clause in their laws that allows you to own a fox. Yes, you can own a fox with the right contract and permits.
Foxes are on the list of controlled species you can own with the proper permits. Similarly to bobcats, you must purchase a fur farm license. You must keep accurate numbers when dealing with foxes. Ultimately, it means you must be transparent with the Montana Fish and Wildlife Department about any fox that comes into your possession. Foxes are definitely one of the baffling pets that are legal to own in Montana.
6. Elephant
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Do you have a lot of land? If you do, you can legally own an elephant in Montana. It is similar to other exotic animals. Significantly, there are no wild elephants in America. So, the only way to get an elephant to Montana would be to purchase it from a dealer legally.
You will have to undergo the same protocols you would with bobcats and foxes. In this case, however, you must apply for a wild animal menagerie. The fee for an annual permit is usually $10 to house the animal if you are housing less than five animals. Conversely, it costs $25 if you house more than five animals. Elephants are definitely one of the most baffling pets you can own in Montana.
5. Wolverine
Wolverines are aggressive animals. Therefore, it is surprising that you can own them in Montana. Wolverines are agitated animals that often fight bigger animals. Additionally, their aggressive nature makes wolverines dangerous.
To legally own a wolverine, you must undergo the same Fur Farm License you would to legally own a bobcat. Thus, you must pay the small fee and prove that you properly house the animal while showing that it will be in a healthy environment.
4. Lion
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You will not find a wild lion in America. Yet, some people own them in this country. They are one of the most baffling pets to own in the United States legally. The most likely scenario for this to even be possible is if someone were to adopt a lion as a cub. Then, they would raise it in captivity, similar to the story of Christian the Lion.
Lions are social animals, which explains why they would be an animal that might be somewhat palpable to domesticate. Ultimately, they are capable of adapting to a human and bonding with it.
A lion is a controlled species, which means you need a permit to own one. Of course, the Department of Fish and Wildlife must conduct an inspection to ensure the lion has proper care. After completing the evaluation, you must document all records of the lion for the DFW to have. It also includes any renewal fees that you must keep up with. Lastly, you cannot allow the public to see the lion, and they must have proper confinement to prevent them from escaping.
3. Tiger
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If you thought owning a lion was incredible, imagine owning a tiger. Similarly, most situations of owning a tiger are like owning a lion, where the ownership usually starts when the animal is a cub. People often purchase tigers when they are baby cubs and bring them to whatever country they are from. In this case, Montana residents can legally own a tiger if they go through the proper channels.
The proper channels for owning a tiger include registering under the wild animal menagerie permit. Thus, after you pay the application fee and go through the inspections, you can have a tiger on your property in Montana. After undergoing all these scenarios, you must ensure these tigers are in proper caged environments where they cannot escape.
Montana Laws highlight that you must prove to the DFW that you are a responsible owner and can properly care for these animals. Thus, it is a way to ensure that everyone around the neighborhood stays safe, especially knowing that a tiger is in the area.
2. Wolf
©Laura Hedien/Shutterstock.com
Wolves are incredibly treacherous. However, they are not likely to attack a human unless they feel threatened. They are also more likely to attack in a pack. Yet, you can also legally own a wolf in Montana with the proper paperwork.
Owning a wolf is slightly different than other animals. First, you must report that you have a wolf in your possession within the first three days of having it, according to Montana Laws. Furthermore, there is a $10 fee for each animal.
You also must certify the wolf with a veterinarian with letters and numbers that are half an inch tall on the wolf. Ultimately, this is to help identify them if they get loose. The tattoo is issued so the DFW can keep track of the animal. Similarly to any normal pet, you are responsible for any damage they cause.
1. Bear
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If you own a bear, then you are in a rare class. Ultimately, bears are one of the most dangerous animals on the planet. There are not many scenarios where someone would own a bear. However, there are scenarios where people rescue bears from situations. Black bears and grizzly bears are both native to America, with grizzlies being familiar with Montana since they live there.
Bears are significant to document the moment you come into possession of them. Additionally, you must show verified proof you can care for them. Completing all the required paperwork and inspections allows you to own a bear in Montana.
Rank | Animal |
1. | Bear |
2. | Wolf |
3. | Tiger |
4. | Lion |
5. | Wolverine |
6. | Elephant |
7. | Fox |
8. | Bobcat |