Lone Male Lion Surrounded and Mocked by Hyenas But Sends Them Scattering With a Roar
It’s not very often we see a lone animal in the wild heading straight into another’s territory and see them come out the other end safely. However, when you’re king of the jungle, few things stand in your way.
Watch the Powerful Video Below!
Lion and Hyena Sighting in Africa
This video posted at the top of this blog post takes us to Africa. The Mapogo Lions YouTube page uploaded this video this past month.
At the start of the video, we see that a safari tour has stopped to see what will unfold with this lion up ahead. This lone lion is headed straight for a group of hyenas. They are all standing around to see where this lion will go. And as he gets closer he does not divert himself from the path he wants to take straight in between them.
They all begin to mock this lion. We hear the sounds coming from the hyenas that mimic laughing. According to Britannica, “The “laughter” vocalization for which they are known is a high-pitched series of short gigglelike sounds. These sounds, rather than being associated with hyenas having a good time, are generally made when they are threatened or under attack.”
This helps us to understand that these hyenas may feel threatened that this lion is in their presence. Suddenly, at 27 seconds we hear the lion let out a loud roar. This is enough to send these hyenas packing. They don’t know if he is calling for the help of his pride, or if he means to turn around and fight.
What Animals Eat Hyenas?
When we think of hyenas, we typically think of them being the bottom of the totem pole. They have earned this reputation for being animals who are scavengers. Hyenas are carnivores that will scavenge for anything dead. Hyenas eat more than just the meat of the animal, they will even eat the bones.
According to the Denver Zoo, “Their efficient digestive system allows spotted hyenas to break down entire carcasses including skin, hooves, ligaments, horns, hair and bones.”
So, we would think it would it take a special kind of predator that would hunt down hyenas. Lions, leopards, and crocodiles all hunt hyenas. We see from this list that it takes a formidable foe to be able to attempt to take down an animal like this. Lions, leopards, and crocodiles are at the top of the food chain. They are predators that most animals in the wild fear.
The lion, as the king of the jungle, is the frontrunner for the number one predator of hyenas. So, when one enters their territory, like in the video above, hyenas don’t typically mess with them.
The photo featured at the top of this post is © AfricaWildlife/Shutterstock.com