Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

Source:AZ Animals Time:November 8, 2023

If you’re an Aquarius or know someone who is, it could be highly beneficial to know the lucky and unlucky colors of this sign — at least according to color astrology. The goal of color astrology is to empower individuals to choose the colors that help them achieve what they want and avoid those that hinder their success based on their zodiac sign. Whether it’s a positive mindset, physical wealth, or something else, color astrologers believe they can help you attract it.

The characteristics of each zodiac sign will determine its lucky and unlucky colors. Aquarians, for example, are known as the inventors, humanitarians, and geniuses of the zodiac. They are ruled by Uranus and Saturn, belong to the Air element, and are symbolized by the water bearer.

These characteristics all provide some clues about the lucky and unlucky colors for Aquarius. Here we’ll explore them in more depth and see how they can influence the representatives of this sign. Let’s get to it.

5 Lucky Colors for Aquarius

Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, just between Capricorn and Pisces.

© Vasylenko

There are five colors that are considered lucky for Aquarians: electric blue, purple, white, turquoise, and silver.

#1 Electric Blue

Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

Unsurprisingly, electric blue is associated with electricity and technological inventions.

©Artur Nichiporenko/iStock via Getty Images

Electric blue perfectly reflects the personality of the Aquarius. It primarily symbolizes futuristic outlooks, progressive thinking, and innovation. On top of that, it is also associated with electricity, much like the Aquarians themselves.

Aquarians are often linked to not just electricity, but also technology and communication. They’re thought of as the trailblazers of the tech world and are often associated with social media; electric blue very much reflects these qualities. An Aquarius will likely feel at home when surrounded by this color or when wearing fashion pieces that feature it.

  • Electric blue promotes original thinking and open-mindedness, boosts intelligence, and sparks ideas
  • Blue in general is linked to emotional strength, as it represents calmness, tranquility, and truthfulness
  • Lucky crystals: Lapis Lazuli (mental clarity), Aquamarine (serenity)

#2 Purple

Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

The color purple has great significance in Eastern philosophies.


Purple is often described as the color of higher realms, representing wisdom, divinity, and mystery. It is also thought to be the philosopher’s color. This makes it perfect for Aquarians who want to deeply explore their spirituality — which many natives do indeed desire to do. The advice here is to wear purple when you want to feel more connected to the divine or get intuitive downloads.

On the other hand, purple is also associated with the physical world. It is believed to represent royalty, wealth, and dignity. Wearing it will help Aquarians stand out from the crowd, subtly communicate their genius, and perhaps even attract wealth.

  • Purple promotes spirituality, philosophical thinking, and connection with the divine; it may also attract wealth
  • Purple is mainly about societal and spiritual strength; in yogic philosophy, it represents the most potent chakra out of all, the crown chakra
  • Lucky crystal: Amethyst (intuition)

#3 White

Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

It’s no coincidence that white doves represent new beginnings, especially those rooted in peace.

©Rene Baars/

White is the color of purity, emotional balance, and “clean slates.” It represents starting anew, without the burden of past regrets and mistakes. If white had a slogan, it would say “life is full of possibilities; if you haven’t got it right the first time, turn a new leaf and start again.”

These characteristics are very much aligned with the Aquarius. Aquarians love experimenting, exploring new routes, and starting fresh. They don’t mind going where no one has gone before, and the color white can help nurture this quality in them.

  • White promotes optimism, letting go, and thinking outside the box
  • White is also connected to simplicity, mindfulness, and minimalism
  • Lucky crystal: Moonstone (emotional balance, mental clarity)

#4 Turquoise

Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

The turquoise stone is often considered a stone of hope.

©Nikolay Pozdeev/iStock via Getty Images

Many think of turquoise as a lighter shade of blue, and it indeed shares many associations with this color. Among other things, it represents calmness, groundedness, and emotional balance.

As a combination of yellow and blue, however, it borrows the energy of both colors. Blue promotes tranquility and calmness; yellow energizes Aquarians and imbues them with optimism. So, turquoise is great for both a happy mind and a healthy body!

With that in mind, this versatile color works best when used for healing. It can alleviate depression and help its proteges express their feelings — including those that may have been long weighing on their hearts. As such, turquoise can help Aquarians feel liberated and breathe a much-needed sigh of relief.

  • Turquoise promotes calmness, communication, energy, and optimism
  • Turquoise is a lively, refreshing, and cheerful color meant to attract good fortune in general (not just for Aquarians)
  • Lucky crystal: Amazonite (soothing effect, clear communication)

#5 Silver

Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

Silver is a noble metal with strong ties to material wealth.


Much like electric blue, silver symbolizes progressive thinking, individuality, and modernism. However, unlike electric blue, silver also represents worldly success and material wealth. It’s no wonder we use it for jewelry and coins!

This makes silver the perfect companion for the forward-thinking Aquarius. It can help natives come up with original ideas, ground them into reality, and, hopefully, see tangible returns. Keeping a lucky silver coin in your wallet or pocket should do the trick, but you’re more than welcome to include this color in your outfits or home environment as well.

Keep in mind, however, that silver is more feminine in nature (while, for example, gold is more masculine). This means it’s also connected with traditionally feminine traits, such as intuition and introspection. So, don’t be surprised if silver also compels you to retreat to your inner world; perhaps until you come up with new, groundbreaking ideas that you can implement in your external environment.

  • Silver promotes originality, practicality, and a future-oriented mindset
  • Silver can also represent elegance and sophistication and even help attract abundance
  • Lucky crystal: Magnetite (manifestation of dreams and desires)

3 Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

Finally, Aquarians should also consider avoiding certain colors. Three that are considered particularly problematic for this air sign are red, green, and black.

#1 Red

Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

Red is associated with Aries and shares many qualities with this fire sign.

©rommma/iStock via Getty Images

The color red may clash with the Aquarius personality. It is associated with physical strength, impulsiveness, impatience, and the ego. Aquarius, on the other hand, is a much more cerebral sign focused on the benefit of the entire humanity rather than just oneself. Red may pull Aquarians in a completely different direction — one that may not be the most beneficial for them.

#2 Green

Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

Green isn’t necessarily unlucky for Aquarius, but it can have certain negative effects.

©Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE / CC BY-SA 2.0 – License

Some say that green is an unlucky color for Aquarius, while others say it can actually be lucky. We’ll let you decide for yourself based on its properties. If you’re an Aquarius, see how well you resonate with this color.

Green is the color of nature, growth, fertility, and endurance. It also represents the heart chakra, which is further associated with love and compassion for others. As such, green can align well with the Aquarius’ humanitarian vibes.

At the same time, green can also hinder the natives’ independence and future-oriented mindset. This is mainly due to its ties to the earth element, which doesn’t mesh well with air signs. Aquarians may feel dull, uninspired, or stifled in overly green environments — as well as otherwise earthy surroundings.

#3 Black

Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

Black is associated with Aquarius’ second ruling planet, Saturn, but is nevertheless considered unlucky for Aquarians.

©Photoboyko/iStock via Getty Images

Finally, Aquarians are also advised to avoid the color black. Black doesn’t align with their free-spirited nature, and may even lead to depression, feelings of heaviness, and fear. It also doesn’t reflect the uniqueness of this air sign.

Should You Care About the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius?

Whether you believe in color astrology or not is completely up to you. However, if you do decide to incorporate some of this advice into your life, you should know that your sun sign is only part of the equation. In fact, your rising sign may be far more important when it comes to choosing colors to wear or include in your environment.

The rising sign (also called the ascendant) is your social persona, or how you present yourself to the world. It’s the “mask” you wear in public, and not necessarily the true you. Even so, the ascendant very much influences what we experience in our physical reality, how we treat others, and how others perceive us.

With that in mind, you may want to rely more on your rising sign to determine which colors to wear (or not to wear) in order to attract what you want. Alternatively, you can experiment with trying out colors associated with your Big Three — the moon, the sun, and the rising sign — to determine what works best for you. Finally, for more accurate advice, you may want to rely on sidereal rather than tropical astrology.

Summary of Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

Lucky#1Electric Blue
Here is a Summary of Discover the Lucky and Unlucky Colors for Aquarius

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Allexxandar/


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