Fishermen Take Off Running With Their Fish With a Predator in Hot Pursuit
Typically when we envision what it would be like running from a predator we imagine many different scenarios. Perhaps we entered a bear territory without our knowledge and they get upset. Or maybe we came across bear cubs and the mama bear took this as a threat and chased us. Then again it could just be the normal nightmare of a bear chasing us for no good reason! Well, in this video above, this massive predator was in hot pursuit of some fishermen who apparently took his fish.
Don’t Miss The Hot Pursuit Video Below!
Massive Predator Runs After Fishermen
The TikTok video posted in the section above this one, shares footage of a massive predator that is running after fishermen. The Rita Fishing TikTok channel shared this video which has since gone viral and has gained over one million likes on this video alone. On this channel, they share a lot of fishing content that includes reeling in gigantic fish, catching odd-looking fish, and even some amazing sights they see along the way.
Fishermen Running for Their Lives
As this comical video takes off we see two fisherman that are running through a field. The fisherman that is in front has on full fisherman garb and clearly had been wadding in the river so he could fish better. In his hand, he is holding his lines that have two gigantic fish at the end of it. Beside him is his friend who can’t keep up as well.
You might ask, what are they running from? Well, straight behind them is a massive brown bear that is charging at them full speed! According to the National Wildlife Federation on grizzly bears, also known as brown bears, “Grizzlies can run pretty fast, reaching speeds as fast as 35 miles an hour for very short sprints. They are good swimmers too.”
And in case you were wondering, no human can run 35 miles per hour. The steps of these fishermen are numbered if this bear doesn’t let up. And before we might suggest that these fishermen find the nearest tree to climb. We must remember that bears can also climb trees!
Many video followers were commenting that the fisherman should have just dropped his fish. But, we guess this fisherman was either too proud of the large fish he caught or was in shock that they were being chased by this predator.
How Much Fish Do Bears Eat?
Bears are omnivore eaters that will prey on meat and also eat plant matter.
© Kostich
The eight species of bear in the world can be found in North America, South America, Europe and in Asia. And of these species, the brown bear is famous for its ability to catch salmon.
The National Park Service comically answered this question by saying “A lot!” And we couldn’t agree with them more. “On days when many salmon are migrating in the river, a large and dominant male bear will sometimes catch and eat more than 30 fish per day.”
Salmon (Salmonidae) can weigh up to 23 pounds easily. So, this bear sure was hungry. And he wasn’t about to let two fishermen stealing it and taking off get him down. How do you think this chase ended?
The photo featured at the top of this post is © Mike_shots/