The 7 Most Legendary Texas Cryptids: Appearance, Behavior, and Location

Source:AZ Animals Time:January 6, 2024

For those of you who are unfamiliar with cryptids, they are mysterious creatures whose existence has not yet been proven by science. Some common examples are the Yeti, Wendigo, and the Chupacabra. While some people brush them off as simple works of fiction, others dedicate their lives to uncovering the truth surrounding them. Whatever you believe, one thing is for certain: these stories have captured the attention of audiences for decades. Today, we’ll explore the behavior and appearance of seven cryptids that are native to the state of Texas.

1. Ozark Howler

The 7 Most Legendary Texas Cryptids: Appearance, Behavior, and Location

About 40% of the American public believes in paranormal phenomena.


The Ozark Howler, also sometimes called the Nightshade Bear, is a cryptid that is native to the Ozark Mountain range. This creature resembles a bear, and people commonly describe it as thick and stocky. Many think that the Ozark Howler is an omen of death and sickness for those who are unlucky enough to cross paths with it. While some people wholly believe in the existence of this creature, others are not as convinced. There is a small but adamant group that insists that the Ozark Howler is actually just a misidentified wolf or big cat. Whatever you believe, it’s hard to deny how terrifying depictions of this cryptid are.

2. Goatman

The 7 Most Legendary Texas Cryptids: Appearance, Behavior, and Location

The legend of Goatman is a story of revenge.


Have you ever heard of the Goatman? Although this cryptid isn’t quite as mainstream as ones like Bigfoot, Mothman, or the Loch Ness Monster, it still has many dedicated fans. The Goatman is a seven-foot-tall humanoid creature with thick hair and curled horns, closely resembling those of a goat. Sightings have been reported in Maryland, Louisiana, and of course, Texas. One place in particular is associated with a number of sightings: The Old Alton Bridge. According to WBUR News, “In the north Texas city of Denton, there’s a legend that The Goatman haunts a local bridge looking for revenge on the Klansmen who killed him. The fable is grounded in the real-life horror of lynchings in 1930s Texas.”

3. Crocotta

The 7 Most Legendary Texas Cryptids: Appearance, Behavior, and Location

Stories of the Crocotta have been passed down through generations.

©Kongelige Bibliotek / Public domain, – License

The Crocotta is yet another cryptid that has many animal-like features. While this cryptid originates from stories in India and Ethiopia, many Crocotta reports in the United States have come from Texas. This cryptid has a frightening appearance. It is large in size, sometimes as big as a mule. It has feline characteristics, such as tiger stripes, a lion tail, and sharp fangs. Shockingly, the Crocotta is able to produce believeable human speech, and this is the tactic it uses to lure in its victims. It will pretend to be gravely wounded and cry out for help, hoping some kind soul will come to its rescue. Whoever is unlucky enough to fall for this tactic will meet a gruesome fate.

4. La Lechuza

Unlike the cryptids we’ve discussed so far, La Lechuza are in a category all their own. At one point, these creatures were humans, particularly women, who sold their souls to the devil. In exchange, they received incredible magical abilities, however, their appearance was irreversibly altered. They have the body of a gigantic bird, but the head of a witch. While some people share stories of La Lechuza terrorizing children, others believe that they only prey on men. According to Kera News, it is particularly “men that might be known to be into a sort of lascivious behavior, people that are abusive, unkind, cruel people that might cheat on their spouses or even abuse their children or partners.” This story is popular in both Mexico and Texas, often told as a cautionary tale.

5. Skunk Ape

The 7 Most Legendary Texas Cryptids: Appearance, Behavior, and Location

The Skunk Ape is very similar in appearance to the Bigfoot. BEcause of this, it is not uncommon to confuse these two cryptids.

©Jean Faucett/

When it comes to the Skunk Ape, you can think of it as a close relative of the Bigfoot. The only difference is that its natural habitat is the swamps of Georgia, Florida, and Texas. It stands about six or seven feet tall and it’s covered head to toe in thick, dark fur. If you’re picturing a tall man in a King Kong suit, you’re basically right on the money. As I’m sure many of you have guessed from its name, the Skunk Ape has a reputation for being very stinky. Many eyewitness accounts state that before seeing this creature, they smelled it coming. Because the physical description of this creature is comparable to that of a black bear, many dismiss its existence entirely.

6. Black-Eyed Children

The 7 Most Legendary Texas Cryptids: Appearance, Behavior, and Location

Some people believe that Black-Eyed Children are the victims of demonic possession.


While some of the other cryptids we’ve discussed today are sure to strike fear into the hearts of many, none are quite as unsettling as the Black-Eyed Children. At first glance, many people would mistake them for regular kids. However, as you get closer, it’s clear to see something isn’t quite right. They have skin so pale many people describe it as transparent, and their eyes are jet-black. As if this wasn’t creepy enough, the Black-Eyed Children typically ask favors of those they encounter. If you deny them, they become more and more persistent until they eventually attack. It is widely accepted that Texas native Brian Bethel is the author responsible for creating this cryptid.

7. Bigfoot

The 7 Most Legendary Texas Cryptids: Appearance, Behavior, and Location

Texas isn’t the only state to hold a Bigfoot convention. Washington, Florida, and Virginia all do as well.


What would a list of Texas cryptids be without a superstar like the Bigfoot? This gigantic ape-like creature inhabits densely forested areas all across the country. However, compared to other states in the U.S., Texans tend to report Bigfoot sightings at a much higher frequency. In fact, locals are so impassioned about this cryptid, that they’ve hosted the Texas Bigfoot Conference for over 20 years. While some people are afraid of Bigfoot and believe that this creature has malicious intent, others insist that it is more of a gentle giant who seeks solitude. For better or for worse, the state of Texas has embraced this mysterious beast, and all those who believe have a safe space to gather and discuss this cryptid each year.

Ozark HowlerMuscular bear-like creature
GoatmanHalf man, half goat appearance.
CrocottaFeline-like appearance
LechuzaHead of a woman with the body of a bird
Skunk ApeSimilar to Bigfoot, but lives in a swamp
Black-Eyed ChildrenChildren typically aged 6 to 16 with dark eyes and pale skin
BigfootSix to seven-foot-tall hairy, ape-like creature

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Raggedstone/


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