12 Sports That Start With A (Origin and Where Each Is Played)
Sports are a fun part of life. We like to play them, and we love to watch them. Some sports are more popular than others. Likewise, there are many sports that some do not know about. Many of these sports can be competitive, while others can be extreme or exhilarating.
As we look at the 12 sports that start with A, we also will check out where they came from and why they’re popular. There are a few sports from the United States. Others are from all over the world. Regardless, they all have a special place in our hearts. Let’s check out what sports that start with A are and where they are from.
12. Abseiling
Some call it rappelling. Yet, abseiling is what many know it by. It is a form of controlled rock climbing that people do to test their limits to see how far they can go. People usually use abseiling to go down steep cliffs that they would otherwise not be able to descend safely.
Roger Frison-Roche was allegedly the first person to partake in abseiling in 1944. But Frison credited another man, Jean Charlet-Straton, with creating the extreme sport. Ropes, anchors, and helmets are among the most important things you need to do this sport successfully. It is one of the sports that start with A that requires a lot of perseverence.
11. Aerobatics
Every year, Huntington Beach in California hosts the Pacific Airshow. It is one example of an Aerobatics show where professional pilots fly planes in nonconventional manners. In other words, these pilots do tricks with their planes to give a paying audience a great show.
Aerobatics has been around since the start of airplanes. Original pilots used their planes to entertain. While larger airplanes are obviously used for transportation, smaller jets still often perform shows. It is one of the sports that starts with A and gives everyone a thrill.
10. Aeromodelling
Similar to aerobatics, aeromodeling also involves a plane. But in this case, you are creating mechanical planes to fly around. The basis of this competitive sport is split into two aspects. Judges are designing the design of your mechanical plane. Additionally, they also want to see how it flies.
Some organizations, like the Academy of Model Aeronautics, have been around since 1936 to help encourage people who enjoy aeromodelling. It stresses itself as ‘more than a hobby’ and promotes its enterprise as a sport and a passion. It is one of the sports that start with A that is gaining traction.
9. Aggressive Inline Skating
Skaters have been around since the invention of the invention of the skateboard and rollerblades. Aggressive Inline Skating requires skating on dangerous terrain to showcase your skills. This could include various railings or walls. Overall, the goal is to show how talented you are in moving around a skateboard or rollerblades atop higher platforms.
Surfers in Huntington Beach created the skateboard. Meanwhile, rollerblades likely originated in the early 1800s in France. Since then, skaters have been using these to perform tricks of all kinds to an adoring public.
8. Aikido
Morihei Ueshiba created Aikido in Japan. It originated from another form of historical Japanese martial arts. The goal of Aikido is to have throws and pins mixed in with some locks. The technique has varied over the years as there was a larger curriculum in its inception.
You can find an Aikido class almost anywhere around the world now. It has become one of the top versions of martial arts to partake in and is one of the sports that start with A, which holds an impressive legacy.
7. Alpine Skiing
Skiing is a popular activity to do. Alpine skiing is a competition where skiers skate down a slope for points while avoiding obstacles. It has been an annual sport at the Winter Olympics since 1936. Also, it has become quite popular as over 55 million people around the world participate in it.
Alpine skiing likely started in Russia, Sweden, and Norway in the 1800s. The whole purpose of skis was to get across dangerous terrains in the winter time at a faster pace. Since those days, it has become a competitive sport. It is one of the sports that starts with A and is sure to leave a mark.
6. American Handball
European handball is fun. But American handball takes the cake. You are basically playing one other person (or two if you have a partner) and slamming the ball against the wall back and forth to see who lets up first. Ultimately, you are sharing a walled court.
The sport traces its origins back to ancient Egypt. It is a sport that starts with A and is simple to play because you only need a ball and a wall.
5. Aquathlon
Imagine swimming one kilometer and then getting out of the water and running five kilometers. That is an aquathlon. It combines the best of land and sea and takes you to the limit of how far you can go. World Triathlon highlights the best of aquathlon and showcases the people who compete in these events.
Even though running and water have been around since the beginning of time, the first aquathlon originated in the 1950s. The first likely event occurred in Australia before eventually coming to the United States.
4. Archery
This is a sport that possibly goes back 72,000 years. It is a sport that goes back possibly 72,000 years in South Africa. Famous outlaws like Robin Hood practiced archery. Comic book superheroes like the Green Arrow also used a bow and arrow to fight crime. In other words, archery is an exceptional sport.
Archery has been around for centuries. It has become part of our folklore and culture. Moreover, competitions are held often. USA Archery points people in the states to the nearest competition. You can find similar websites in other countries. It is one of the oldest sports that starts with A.
3. Arena Rugby
You may usually see rugby played outdoors. However, there are exceptions. Indoor rugby has a smaller field with fewer dimensions. Another notable difference is the barricade, which allows the game to resume much faster. It is played inside an arena instead of outdoors.
The whole purpose of indoor rugby was to abstain from the colder winter weather. While it is not as popular as regular rugby, it still has the same rules and regulations. It is one of the sports that start with A that is still young.
2. Arm Wrestling
No one knows the true origin of arm wrestling. But some believe it started in ancient times. Think about it. There is nothing more competitive than showing off your strength in an arm wrestling competition. Thus, it has been around for centuries. It usually starts with two people locking arms. Once the contest begins, each person will try, and slam the other’s arm down, wrestling them down for the count.
You can actually find an arm wrestling contest near you. People have won as much as $236,000 competing in arm wrestling contests. Overall, it is one of the sports that start with A that will test all your strengths.
1. Artistic Gymnastics
You have probably seen this sport in the Olympic Games. Artistic gymnastics is a competition that is not for everyone. It involves twisting your body in a lop mid-air and perfecting the landing. It takes years of practice and good timing.
The first recorded event took place in 1881. But there are possible mentions of the sport occurring way before that. It is probably one of the most difficult sports to master and one that belongs at the top of this list.
Summary of 12 Sports That Start With A (Origin and Where Each Is Played)
Rank | Sport |
1. | Artistic Gymnastics |
2. | Arm Wrestling |
3. | Arena Rugby |
4. | Arhcery |
5. | Aquathlon |
6. | American Handball |
7. | Archery |
8. | Aikido |
9. | Aggressive Inline Skating |
10. | Aeromodelling |
11. | Aerobatics |
12. | Abseiling |
The photo featured at the top of this post is © PeopleImages.com - Yuri A/Shutterstock.com