Watch an Alligator Lose Its Temper When a Foolish Man Tries Messing With Her Baby
Fishing is a fun sport and definitely has its fair share of dangers involved. However, how safe is fishing for alligators? In the below video, we see a man who unwisely decides to catch a baby gator in a net. Little did he know, its mother was hanging out nearby, and let’s say she’s not happy!
The clip begins innocently enough, as the host is merely trying to capture little gators on film for research purposes. Although his setup and catching of the critter go smoothly, the little reptile puts up a fight. While it’s not attacking him, it makes several desperate attempts to flee back into the water. After the second try at snaring the little one, our intrepid host makes the shocking discovery that he’s got much bigger problems. Releasing the baby and tossing his net aside, he barely escapes unharmed – had he not reacted as quickly, things would likely not have ended well for him!
Don’t worry, as he is a self-proclaimed pro at this kind of activity, and admits that he knew of the potential risks. Let’s learn a precautionary lesson from his near-miss, and find out more about the awesome alligator!
What is Alligator Torpor?
©slowmotiongli/iStock via Getty Images
While alligators might not come to mind when thinking about animals that hibernate, they do have their own version. Although it’s not “true” hibernation, these critters enter a state known as torpor during colder weather. This acts like a built-in power save mode in which their body temperature and metabolism are slowed down. In turn, they have a higher chance of surviving harsh seasons and the normally lower amounts of available food. Torpor definitely has its downsides, such as lethargy, but it has become an indispensable adaptation that has aided the species’ long-term survival.
What Is Special About How Alligators Move?
Unlike many reptiles, did you know that alligators can lift themselves up using their mighty legs and walk similarly to mammals? This oddity is thanks to the advanced nature of these creatures and may hint at the diversity that dinosaurs once had. Other special features they have include focused muscular contractions that power their sneaky and surprisingly agile movements. The muscle structure they have is basically a powerhouse that allows them to swiftly dive and roll in water. That explains why, despite visually seeming cumbersome, they travel about with such surprising ease.