夏天的故事結束了 ,我長畱心中的秌天

Time:August 19, 2024

The story of summer has ended. Those sunny days, nights with gentle sea breezes, and those unguarded smiles have all been etched deeply into our hearts, becoming the softest memories. The changing of the four seasons in nature is like a symphony carefully orchestrated by the great outdoors. Every passionate summer will eventually usher in a serene and profound autumn, a season of harvest and reflection.


"Autumn, this season, always evokes contemplation in its unique way." Indeed, summer, with its boundless enthusiasm and freedom, taught us how to love and pursue, while autumn, with its composure and introspection, guides us to learn to settle and contemplate. In this autumn that is destined to linger in our hearts, I begin to cherish even more the beauty found in the minutiae of life. The slow fall of leaves is not the end of life, but a magnificent testament to the endless cycle of nature; the cool air is filled with the fragrance of ripe fruit, a sweet reward crafted by time and patience. Each falling leaf, each gust of autumn wind, whispers profound tales of growth, harvest, and letting go.


"Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower." In autumn, life blossoms in another form. It may not be as ostentatious as spring, but it is more restrained, profound, and equally breathtaking. Even under a seemingly bleak and desolate exterior, there lies infinite vitality and hope, waiting for us to discover and appreciate.


As the story of summer gradually fades away, I choose to embrace the arrival of autumn with a heart filled with even greater gratitude. In this season, I slow down, allowing my soul to quiesce, listening to the voice within, and sensing every subtle change in life. Because I know, every ending gestates a new beginning.



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